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Thomas, the god of the sun, spent all day searching the entire earth for this 'most beautiful creature', but could not for the life of him find him. He spent not only that day, but many more after that searching and looking and becoming more and more frustrated at not finding him. Or Alexander for that matter. He knew that the dead god had made a habit of pranking both gods and people to liven up his daily routine, and Thomas had long learned to ignore him whenever he saw him, but now that he couldn't even find the Wind he grew even more irritated. There was no place his rays couldn't reach, and there was nothing he didn't see in both the realm of the gods and the earth. Or so he thought. He grew most unpleasant to be around and gods soon started avoiding him. He had to put an end to this. He had to find the Wind, he had to know more about 'the most beautiful creature'.

He decided to visit the newlywed couple, who had been close friends with the Wind before he died. Maybe they would know where to find him. He entered their palace in the god's realm and was met with the foulest stench he had ever smelt in his entire eternity of life. He slapped a hand against his nose to rescue it from the stench and kept on forwards in search of the couple. He found them in their bedchamber, Maria trying and failing at getting the rotten egg out of her hand, but it would only wander from one hand to another. She kept cursing and yelling at it and Eliza watched and laughed heartily.

"Am I interrupting something?" Thomas asked with a snicker and Maria immediately glared daggers at him.

"What do you want!" she spat at him venomously and continued trying to get the egg off of her hands.

"The Wind, do you know where he is?" he asked and Maria yelled at him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT THAT BASTARD FOR?! HE HAS DONE QUITE ENOUGH DAMAGE! STOP LAUGHING, ELIZA AND HELP ME!" she yelled, but Eliza continued laughing uncontrollably.

"Well, I've been looking everywhere but I cannot for the life of me find him anywhere. You wouldn't happen to know the place where he is hiding?" he asked with a grin.

"How should I know! As soon as I get my hands on him I will kill him for good!" she declared.

"Well, as of now your hands seem pretty full, my dear," Eliza snickered.

"ELIZA, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, I WANT A DIVORCE!", she screamed and tried to kick off the egg out of her hands, but failed once again. If Alexander were here he would have relished in the scene and have a good laugh, Thomas was sure. He thought back on when Alexander hadn't died as a god. They had been somewhat close. Close enough that Alexander wouldn't prank him but rather get his help in pranking others. The Wind really had been, and still was, a big ol' prankster. And before he'd died gods had liked him somewhat and had been good sports about his pranks. It had come to a point where every god, led by Thomas, would create one giant prank to prank the Wind with every year. Alexander had always appreciated it and taken whatever they'd thrown at him with a big and goofy grin. But now that he was dead and everyone looked down on him his pranks had become filled with bitterness and spite and hate and frustration. It should have broken Thomas' heart the first time any of the gods had been hostile towards the Wind. It had been autumn at the time and Alexander had died a few weeks prior, but wasn't yet aware of it himself, while every other god was. He had then pranked the god of Autumn by blowing a mountain of leaves on top of him, burying him in it. That was the first time any god had acted hostile towards him and had berated him for his prank. It had been such a shock to Alexander's system that he broke down crying in confusion and retreated. A few days later he had sincerely apologized to the god of Autumn and had brought a gift in form of wool, milk and meat from his renowned egglaying woolmilkpig as a reconciliation gift, but the god of Autumn had thrown the precious items on the ground and stomped on them and told Alexander to get lost. Alexander had flitted upwards to the sun in search of Thomas, probably to ask him for help to make the god of Autumn not hate him anymore, but Thomas had been just as hostile towards him, telling him to get lost and never show his face again. Alexander had been so taken aback that he had actually fallen from the sun and hadn't thought about catching himself with his winds until he hit the ground. He hadn't been seen after that for years and when he had resurfaced he had come back with full force and pranks for everyone. Pranks that everyone would have found funny before he'd died, but found disgusting and repulsive afterwards. Simply because he had 'died'. Because people stopped worshipping him. And Thomas? He had acted just like everyone else. He stopped to think about it. Could this have happened to him? Surely not, he's the god of the sun after all! But... if people had stopped worshipping him then... he would have just been like the Wind; forgotten by his people and hated by his friends. He realized, he could have been Alexander; anyone could have been Alexander! Anyone could have been forgotten and no one would give a single damn about it! Dammit. Now he really had to find him. He had to apologize for fuck's sake. Stupid sudden epiphany.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now