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Aaron was a quick learner, he has always been, and the urgency of the situation moved his fingers to determination to become nigh perfect. A year later and Ansue was more than happy with his progress, even though he had always expressly refused to shed his cloak for the practice and she had become annoyed with him very often. Aaron mused over this year of daily, hourly practise and thought it funny that he would only need this skill for a single evening. Even so, he liked the music a koto produced and thought it a valuable skill to have for himself, even if he never had to use these skills again for a dire situation, he liked having it for the now and here. He adored the sound of it, he must confess, and he thought that even the singing paradise flowers couldn't come close. Then again, perhaps he could somehow make his own koto out of the paradise flowers? Alexander had made a lyre out of them once, so why should a koto be impossible? He smiled as he practised with Ansue one last time.

"Amazing, Aaron, amazing how you've done learned so much in one short year! Colour me mad impressed, boy!" Ansue praised after he finished his performance in front of her and Bennie. He had befriended some of the prostitutes there and it seemed like they liked well enough, they kept him around willingly, that meant a lot. Bennie applauded him.

"I suppose we could call you a master of the koto now! You're ready, Aaron, oh am I ever proud! Our lessons sure paid off, didn't they, Ansue?" she beamed at Ansue who smiled fondly at her. Bennie was a beam of sunshine dropped onto earth, nothing could ever put a black spot on her mood, and that was very impressive, especially to Aaron, whose mood could change like the tides, every six or so hours, even Ansue liked to joke that.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a boy, looking panicked, came running to them and hid behind Ansue with terrified, blown wide open eyes. He yelled something at them in his panic, but he was from another kingdom and spoke another language. Aaron's language, so he was the only one who understood.

"The King! Ansue, Bennie, the King is here! He wants to take more people into his Harem!" the boy, Aaron thought he remembered his name being Ujnos, yelled and Aaron's eyes widened as he translated to Ansue and Bennie, who stared at the boy in fear and disbelief, then suddenly Ansue sprang into action giving instructions, which Aaron translated for the boy.

"Bennie, ring the alarm! Ujnos, tell everyone to hide! Aaron, you hide too. I'll talk to the guy," she said and Bennie and Ujnos nodded but Aaron stared at her with incredulous eyes. Bennie and Ujnos ran out of the room and soon after a loud, deep bell could be heard ringing through the entire brothel.

"You can't be serious, Ansue, you know well enough what he's gonna do!" Aaron reasoned and Ansue nodded.

"Which is exactly why I'm doing this. I'd rather it'll be me than any of my girls or boys. I don't think I could go on with the thought that they would be forced into... this..." Ansue explained and, reluctantly, Aaron nodded.

"Alright, fine. You do that. See you later," he said and Ansue laughed.

"I know with whatever plan you have you'll be able to get us all outta this mess. Am I wrong now, Aaron?" she asked and Aaron shook his head, "Well, I hope I ain't! See ya, Aaron."

And with that she left the room and Aaron went into hiding in the space in which Ansue had told him countless times before to hide should this exact situation rise up.
Meanwhile, Ansue had made her way to the main room where she found the king, with only a few guards, sitting and waiting to be received. He had his koto sitting on his lap and Ansue bit down any snide remarks and suppressed the dread she felt rising up into her throat like bile. The King finally noticed her and looked her up and down.

"You're the one they send to appease me?" he quirked a brow and Ansue was almost offended.

"Terribly sorry, my King, but all my girls and boys are out today, not a soul besides myself was left behind here. It's a rare occurrence, but it happens every once in a while," she said with a bow that came close to being an insult, as little as she bowed. The King scoffed.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now