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"What?" Thomas asked, taken aback.

"Alexander is dead. He's been dead for centuries. He told me once that he is now only half of who he used to be, and is now half the very thing he controls, that being wind," he spoke and his voice became softer, "I am very concerned and worried about him, Thomas. How much time does he have left until he disappears." It didn't sound like a question, more like solemn resignation.

"I... I don't think he will disappear, Aaron," Thomas tried to smile encouragingly, but Aaron didn't buy it for a second, "He'll... definitely outlive you, don't worry."

"Then, Thomas, I shall ask you, and later Hercules, a favour."

"Anything!" Thomas replied a bit too eagerly and Aaron gave Alexander a last solemn look.

"When I'm dead and gone... I want you to stay with Alexander. Stay with him regardless of what may happen and make sure that he is properly worshipped and regains his power and former self and status. I want to die with the knowledge that Alexander will be cared for. I have never, since my arrival at this palace, cared for anything or anyone more than him. I adore him, we adore each other and up until recently... we only had each other... And I know that Alexander will outlive me, especially since I won't always stay with him in his palace in your realm, where I would be immortal as long as I were there. I want to build him a temple and gather a group that would worship him and would grow over time, so I will have to stay here, in this realm and... I will age... And I will die," Aaron spoke with no fear in his voice, as though he had long come to terms with and accepted that this was how it would all end, "When I'm dead and gone, I want you to stay with Alexander and make him happy. Make him the happiest creature of any realm and don't you dare ever let him become unhappy if he doesn't need to be."

"Of course! But... What do you mean to let him be unhappy when he needs to be?" Thomas exclaimed and wondered. Aaron glanced back at Alexander, who was now stirring and would soon wake up.

"He'll need to mourn me... And Thomas, make sure that he knows I will have died with only him on my mind," Aaron spoke and Thomas nodded, silently watching Alexander stir awake.

"I just had the oddest dream!" Alexander exclaimed, sleep-drunken.

"Oh? Pray tell," Aaron replied with a smile and snuggled closer to him again. Thomas' stomach churned at the sight and a jealous flush came over his cheeks.

"I was in a school, I believe, and there was a show going on? Anyway, this one guy had a magic, poison arrow in his hand and pointed it at these two people he wanted dead or something, and this GIANT spider came and killed and I think ate them. But because this guy didn't specify that the spider was only supposed to kill these two, the spider began attacking, killing and eating pairs of people. It soon became a rule that no one was allowed to walk in pairs, always in a group of three minimum or alone. People who still, stupidly enough, decided they weren't afraid of the spider and walked in pairs were bullied and beaten by people in groups who saw them! And I was totally afraid, even though I was only ever alone because I had this weird device that made sounds like a person? And I was afraid that this counted as another person by me, thus making us a pair, and that the spider would come and kill me! That was so weird?" Alexander lengthily explained and Aaron softly chuckled at him.

"I don't suppose that was the oddest dream you've ever had, now was it?" Aaron asked with an amused smile and Alexander shook his head. Alexander seemed to remember something else now.

"That wasn't the only dream I had! The other one was... I don't like it. I was me, sort of, but... I couldn't see anything and I couldn't move. But I could hear things... I think I heard you, Thomas and Hercules, and... someone whose voice I hadn't heard in centuries? I... I was trapped... I was trapped and I couldn't move or see or smell or touch anything... But I could hear you guys... And you were... And I was filled with so much anger at whoever trapped me and... I disappeared... Into nothing... I was nothing anymore..." Alexander said and Aaron's smile fell and he snuggled even closer to Alexander in comfort.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now