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Alexander sighed in Thomas' arms. At some point they had decided to go into Thomas' sun for there no one could find them and then question why Alexander, still very much dead, was relaxed and at peace in Thomas' arms, still very much alive. Neither of them wanted that to happen and complicate things for everyone involved. It would just make things messy. And neither of them wanted to deal with another god either way. They were at peace in each other's arms, hidden away in the sun from the world, without a care in the aforementioned. Then, they began to talk. At first, Alexander asked Thomas what he had done in the past three hundred years and Thomas had to admit that he hadn't done too interesting things. Just the daily routine of directing the sun across the sky and meet James for a few minutes before the other god had to work directing the moon. Except on those special days when there was a festivity of some kind. But other than that, and being witness to strange things, he had to admit that his most interesting and fun days had been long behind him, and had probably died with Alexander. Alexander then told Thomas of the adventures he had had on earth, the things he had done. There was so much to tell Thomas it took him the better part of three days, each day for one century of adventures. Then, on the third day, Alexander was just ending the tale of how he tricked the god of the stars to fall in love with a vulture and began the last one.

"And when he realized that the bird was not actually a beautiful woman, but, in fact, a bird he made meteors fall on my head! Meteors!", he laughed and Thomas roared with laughter, "And that's the tale of how I got meteors for my stone garden! I ought to show it to you! Now, a few weeks later, I was bored beyond belief-"

"A lot of your stories seem to begin with you being bored beyond belief," Thomas chuckled.

"Well, that's because it's true! I wouldn't have done any of these things if I hadn't been bored beyond belief, you know! Anyway, bored beyond belief, so I flit around the world, scare some people with harsh winds out of nowhere, but nothing is helping to get rid of my boredom, so I go on and look everywhere for something, anything really. I can't really find anything and your sun begins to set, you were awfully quick that day to get the sun across I felt, and soon night falls upon me. I come across this massive, and I do mean massive because it is unbelievably enormous, palace and it's really beautiful and the lights coming from it were mesmerizing and I'm just sitting there on a tree and think to myself 'Wow.' because I have never seen a more beautiful palace in my life. Not yours nor any other godly palace can ever hope to compare. I crept closer, carried by my wind, and looked closer at it, appreciating the detailed artwork on the outside walls, which one needs to see to believe. But then, I hear something. I hear someone crying. At first, I think nothing of it, but then I notice that the crying came from inside the palace, from one of the rooms above where I stand. My winds carry me higher, so that I may find the source of the crying because I found it unreasonable at the time that a mortal could be unhappy in such a place. I find the window from which I heard the crying and I find bars in front of me, forbidding anyone inside from leaving. I looked inside the room and I found Aaron. Months prior I had heard in passing about a mortal whose beauty was even greater than that of our own goddess of beauty and that he was worshipped for it like a god. When I heard that I had found it amusing because I knew almost every god will want this mortal dead because jealousy is always healthy and you should always act on it. Ha, whatever. I found him crying and sobbing on his bed and his beauty... truly mesmerizing. I must admit I had been breathless upon first seeing him. So, I'm right in front of his window and I'm watching him cry, but I'm not sure whether I should do something about this or not. So I come back the next night, only to find him crying again and it just about broke my heart, because I heard him pray to all of you, even you, and I heard how he begged for forgiveness. But I knew that none of the gods who were actually listening to his prayers would forgive him, even though they had no reason to hate him for anything!" he told and Thomas interrupted.

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