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The next morning, Aaron awoke particularly early, finding Hercules cuddled into him and he snorted. The look of Hercules' face was absolutely adorable. A small blush came onto Aaron's cheeks and he decided to cuddle into Hercules' chest. Such a calm feeling washed over him as he lay there pressed softly into Hercules that he forgot for a moment how heavy life weighed on him. Just for this calm moment, led by the soft rhythm of Hercules' breath and heart into a soft state of just existing. Goodness, he realised, it had been so long since he had just let himself exist without... Without an ulterior motive. He sighed, happily, a soft smile visiting his lips as he felt Hercules wrap his arms around him in his sleep. The moment was so calm, so weightless, he just wanted to be here forever, be calm and happy and leave all the heaviness of his life behind. A happy little existence. A thought wormed into his head that he shouldn't feel this light, that he should be up and about figuring out the mysteries that lay before him, that the heaviness would cease once he figured everything out. He wanted to banish the thought. It was better for him to take a break for once. He didn't need to be out there at all times and do something. He was allowed to take a break. he needed this small break, this chance to just drop everything. He would resume the heavy load and put it back onto his shoulders again, but he knew it was dangerous to carry it for longer than he was able to. He needed this moment, and he needed it to last as long as he could make it last.

Suddenly, Hercules stirred beside him and Aaron pressed his face tighter into his chest and wrapped his free arm around him tightly.

"Um... A-Aaron?" Hercules muttered, still sleepy and Aaron shushed him with a finger to his lips.

"Shh... relish the moment, this is nice..." he whispered and cuddled into Hercules' chest even more. Hercules was stunned into silence, but did as Aaron asked. He found that Aaron was right, this closeness was nice. Really nice. He felt the distinct warmth of Aaron's body against his and he put his head on Aaron's, pulling him closer. Aaron didn't protest and they lay there like that for two more hours, just enjoying each other's presence, just existing with each other. Aaron didn't want to let go, but he knew he had to.

Slowly, they both rose from the bed, sticking close to each other, even as they left the palace for the mortal realm. Hercules still wondered how Aaron was able to just enter and exit the realm of gods so easily and without assistance. He thought that maybe Alexander showed him a way to do it. Hercules wouldn't be surprised if it turned out his idea was correct. Alexander was old enough that he would know that. He wondered just how old Alexander was. he only knew for certain Alexander was older than him, because he distinctly remembered being the third muse to be 'born'. He remembered it so well.

Hercules just woke up, confused, in a forest, next to a hut. His brows furrowed as he stood up from the ground and slowly approached the hut, looking in through a window. There sat a young girl, sixteen years of age perhaps, rubbing away line after line from a plate of rock. She was frustrated and held her head in her hands and groaned.

"I'll never get this right! She'll hate me! She'll absolutely hate me!" she yelled, adding onto the confusion Hercules felt. Something inside of him itched to help, but he didn't know how. He tilted his head to the side and stepped away from the hut, though this itch inside him compelled him to stay.

He suddenly felt a harsh brush of wind against his back and he turned around and jumped and yelped when he saw an odd figure floating in front of him. The stranger laughed loudly and flew slightly back, his back facing the ground and his feet up in the air as he held his stomach and laughed. Hercules looked at him with an odd stare, confused beyond belief.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now