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Aaron sat at the loom, weaving. He was almost done weaving the fabric, it was thin and soft, silky. As he finished weaving, he felt for the fabric, smiling at the softness of it. He had died the spun wool a soft, but dark blue. He removed the finished fabric from the loom, placing it onto one of the many tables, a table he had made himself, because the other tables were filled with Alexander's unfinished projects. He never had the heart to touch them, or to finish them for Alexander. He sighed as he let his gaze swipe through the large room. It was as big as he needed it to be, but it wasn't at its full size this very moment. He only needed a specific part of it. There were items, unfinished devices way ahead of their time strewn about on the tables around. He couldn't bear to look at them. He summoned a mist into the room, blocking his view of the other tables before the tears that began collecting in his eyes had the chance to escape them. He breathed in, a deep breath, in an attempt to steady his nerves from this sudden wave of feelings.

"You'll find him... Eventually..." he told himself, but something made him not believe himself, "Hope is the last thing that remains, that will remain when all is lost... Until it is lost as well..." he shook his head, "No, I can't lose hope, not now, not ever. He's alive... I can feel it, I can feel he's still alive. Hercules hasn't forgotten him yet, neither has James, he's still alive. I- I can't breathe, oh goodness, I can't breathe," he choked out, gripping the edge of the table, slapping a hand over his mouth.

He couldn't breathe, he felt this sudden pain in his chest that dragged down his entire body, through his spine, down his back, to his legs and arms, hands and feet. He got dizzy, the room began spinning and he saw black spots to the side of his vision. He gasped, chills and heats ran down his body, and he felt like any minute he'd vomit out his entire stomach onto the floor. He collapsed onto the floor, gripping at the table. The pain in his entire body wouldn't give way, wouldn't go away. He suddenly fell unconscious.

Alexander gasped and choked, the pain running through his entire scrambled being, shocks of pain, like lightning and thunder, blasting through his veins, through his being, choking the air out of his lungs. The pain shook him, made him contort, he felt blood, tasted it on his tongue. He screamed as the pain got more and more and more intense, tears streaming down his face as he couldn't bear it, begging for it to stop through screams and sobs and tearing and ripping out his hair, clawing at his skin in a sorry attempt to get out of his body and leave, somehow. But the pain didn't stop just yet and got even more intense than before. He was begging to die at this point, but whatever cruelty it was that did it, it kept him still alive and existing, trapped where he couldn't move, his powers draining from his body, his mind breaking, losing control over himself and everything, desperately grasping at any notion that he could grip and hold onto to ground himself, and the only thing that came to mind was Aaron.


Despite the pain, the smallest sort of smile crossed his lips. He hoped Aaron, his best friend, only one until Thomas and Hercules. He attempted to ignore the intense pain, beginning to hyperventilate, but he tried to keep his mind, at least, clear of the pain. He entertained memories of the past, so many years ago, too many, he thought solemnly. Solemnly he reminisced. He remembered the weeks and months he has spent with Aaron, being his only company, his only friend. He wished he could be with him right now, this very moment. Aaron must be worrying so. He wished he could be with him, ease his worries, take him into his arms and soothe his worried mind, smoothen the wrinkle on his forehead he knew would be there, it was a tell-tale sign of Aaron's worry. He marvelled a moment that the mere thought of having Aaron with him soothed his mind to this extent, as he was almost calm, despite the maddening pain he felt throughout his scrambled being. He ripped out his hair, clawed at his skin, but the thought of having Aaron with him, perhaps in his arms, calmed him so much. Eventually, he fell unconscious, slipped into darkness as the pain enveloped him.

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