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Alexander led them back out of the open field, and into the hall again. Thomas stopped, no, this wasn't the same hall from which they had entered. The doors looked completely different and there were no hallways anywhere and no door was floating in mid-air. The doors on the walls seemed to glitch in an out of existence, but all of them except the double door behind them and a blue door across from them in the shape of a heart had red glowing chains wrapped tightly around them. Thomas looked up in curiosity and found that there were doors on the ceiling as well and he raised a brow in confusion and frowned. He supposed it would make sense that the doors aren't on the walls on ground level since Alexander can just float up to them. But he still couldn't quite wrap his head around the door in the other hall that just floated in mid-air and somehow still led to a room. trying to wrap his head around it just made his head hurt, so he stopped and put away the thoughts for another time to be mulled over carefully.

"Oh, we're in a different hall?" Aaron asked, shaking off some wool that stuck to him from the woolmilkpigs.

"Yeah, this is the west hall. It's not connected to any other hall by any hallways. You'd have to get through the right combination of doors or to the woolmilkpigs and back. It's easy once you got the hang of it," Alexander explained and Aaron chuckled.

"This palace keeps surprising me! It's unpredictable! I love it!" Aaron exclaimed, "Nothing here ever stays the same. Oh, I can't wait to explore it all! This palace just screams that it's yours, Alexander!"

"Well, if that's the case, you'll have no difficulty navigating it!" Alexander grinned.

Suddenly, the room began vibrating, startling Thomas and Hercules and suddenly they all fell to the ceiling but clouds appeared for Alexander and Aaron, who yelped in delight. Thomas and Hercules landed on the ceiling with a loud thud and Thomas groaned.

"What was that?" Thomas yelped and Hercules, who landed on his head, groaned and rubbed at it.

"I think the room just turned on its head? Is that correct?" Aaron offered and Alexander nodded with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, that's the west hall for you. I told you the main hall is the only consistent room of the palace. This on turns on its head or on its sides at random intervals. But, while we're here, I can show you the indoor garden," Alexander explained and Hercules hummed, intrigued.

"An indoor garden?" Hercules asked

"Well, one of them. This is the fifth of them, hence why the door has five sides," Alexander nodded and pointed to the door he was right next to. It was a red door with blue chains wrapped tightly around it. "The plants in there are carnivorous, so maybe don't stick your hands into them." Alexander grinned at them. He knocked on the chains three times and they dissolved with a loud crash and a flash of blue. He let himself drop into it, Aaron closely following behind and Thomas and Hercules hesitantly letting themselves drop into the room too. As they dropped into it, the room seemed like it was on its correct side, and it was confusing Hercules and Thomas, having expected to fall to the side of the room and not to stick on the ground.

"What the- This thing just confuses me, what even," Thomas muttered and Aaron laughed.

"You can't treat the palace as one architecture, Thomas. Treat the rooms as rooms that are independent of each other," Aaron said and Alexander nodded, confirming the statement to be correct.

"You seem incredibly comfortable just accepting everything that's happening in here," Thomas raised a brow at Aaron who giggled.

"Well, you learn to accept everything that is connected to Alexander quickly. I'm still surprised at everything here, but nothing is quite unexpected. I anticipate to be surprised," Aaron smiled and then made to look around the room which was a bit dark, but not dark enough as to not be able to see anything in it. It was also rather humid and a bit stuffy and very warm. Aaron looked at the plants with great interest and intrigue, studying their oddly shaped leaves and blooms. The smell of them was sweet and Aaron found himself smiling at the sweetness of the smell

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