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They quickly exited the woods and Aaron breathed a sigh of relief at this. He kept hugging himself through the whole way out and still kept a tight grip on his own arms as he then led the group back into the realm of gods. James looked on surprised to find that Aaron knew how to get inside without help. Aaron flitted to the tornado and hushed inside, leaving Hercules and James confused on the other side. Hercules took hold of James' arm and entered through the tornado, it not disturbing them thanks to the amulet Aaron had gifted him. Hercules scarcely saw Aaron before he flitted inside the palace. He followed him suite with James now close behind.

Aaron flitted through the hallways until he arrived at the door to the woolmilkpig fields. As he stepped inside the woolmilkpigs crowded around him, oinking happily at seeing him again. He kneeled down and scratched behind each one's ears. The woolmilkpigs regarded him oddly and one of them, one of Edel's offspring, pushed closer to him and growled or purred in an attempt to comfort him. Aaron looked at it surprised but then gave a sad smile as he hugged the woolmilkpig, grateful for its comfort.

"Thanks, Pyrite, I appreciate it. I just..." he sighed and pushed the hood from his head, revealing the tears that flowed down his cheeks. "It's just..." he couldn't find the right words and simply hugged Pyrite closer. His cloak began to glow a soft blue and Nae's spirit manifested next to him, spooking the woolmilkpigs.

"Hm... Now I know what you would be," Nae said and Aaron looked up at it confused. "A cracked porcelain doll."

"Wh-what?" Aaron asked and Nae giggled.

"You're beautiful as a doll and you are hurt but not yet broken. A cracked doll is not yet broken, but it won't take much more to break it. If you just took off the mask more often with Hercules I'm sure he'd be willing to help," Nae grinned and Aaron glared at the ground.

"That's just what the spirits told me... So you think the same thing..." Aaron growled and Nae shrugged.

"Absolutely not. Those fools know nothing and pretend they know the world's secrets. Wood spirits, ha! They know merely the extent of their woods, have not a clue what lies beyond it! Almost pitiable, and I would never share their opinion," Nae proclaimed and Aaron scoffed.

"You just said the same thing as they did with me and-"

"I did not," Nae hissed. Aaron glared at it and Nae rolled its eyes and scoffed. "You'll break if you don't, you should know," Nae shrugged and swam around him and began humming, its hair flowing beautifully around him and he swatted it away.

"Break," Aaron let out a bitter laugh as he pulled the hood back over his head, "Wouldn't that be neat. Finally have the curse off of me."

Nae hummed and shook its head.

"That's not-"

The doors to the fields were opened and Hercules stepped inside, Aaron spotted James just behind him looking around in awe. Hercules spotted Aaron and went over to him with a relieved smile. Nae immediately disappeared back into the cloak upon seeing Hercules. Aaron made sure the hood was pulled over his head properly. He didn't want Hercules to see his tear stained cheeks or his red puffy eyes. He turned back to Pyrite who, now that Nae was gone, dared closer to Aaron again and snuggled into him and purred. Aaron chuckled and scratched behind its ear.

"Aaron... What's wrong, love?" Hercules asked and sat down next to Aaron who hesitated to lean against him.

"What do you mean?" Aaron replied and Hercules sighed.

"I know that it's probably something you don't want to talk about but... You don't look... you don't look well. I hope you'll talk to me about it..." Hercules said quietly, just loud enough for Aaron to hear who looked away.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now