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Alexander led them inside and up some stairs and through some hallways. The inside was decorated beautifully, colours fitting amazingly with each other and the furniture that lined the walls. Flowers in pots everywhere were blooming brightly and Thomas found it odd how they seemed so utterly well-kept and looked at Alexander in confusion.

"The servants are tasked to keep Aaron beautiful and well and they are tasked to keep his environment worthy of his presence. Only the best for him and I do not blame them for it. You should know him, I adore him, and I'll hope you shall too!" Alexander beamed.

"What is so special about this mortal beside his beauty?" Hercules asked curiously.

"He is humble," Alexander said and Hercules' brows furrowed in confusion.

"So? I believe there are many who are humble," Hercules argued and Alexander shook his head.

"Alright, situation: Imagine you are a mortal and since your, say, fourteenth birthday people have decided you are the most beautiful human, even surpassing the beauty of the goddess of beauty! You are taken from your home to a palace that was specially built for you to live in. Everyone inside of the palace is tasked simply to make you happy, keep your beauty, and their wish is to perhaps see the chance of you smiling at them. People have begun to worship you like a god. How, dear friend, just how would you feel? I imagine you should feel like a god since you are worshipped as one. Would you not?" Alexander said with a snicker.

"I... I suppose I would, yes." Hercules admitted.

"But here's the thing: He doesn't. He is sweet and considerate and has the driest and most sarcastic sense of humour, and you should know, both of you, he hates himself." Alexander said with a frown.

"What?" Thomas and Hercules said in unison.

"He truly does! And it breaks my heart each time it overwhelms him. I do love him and I hate whenever I see him openly hate himself. But I rather he do it openly than attempt to hide it from me," he said solemnly.

"Wait, he can see you?" Hercules asked and Alexander shook his head, "Then how-"

"I visited him once about three years ago. He was sobbing to himself and... Oh, I'll cut this short. We became friends, we comfort each other, we have become dependant on each other and I stay with him unless royalty visits. He needn't me be a distraction when royals come. He can't see me, but he knows when I'm there, even if I don't make it obvious. Oh, speaking of which! You two should make yourselves invisible! I want this to be a surprise!" he beamed and began floating, flitting forwards and Hercules and Thomas had trouble keeping up. They turned themselves invisible upon Alexander's request and they became even more curious. Alexander led them to a giant pair of doors and opened them and beckoned them to enter. As they did he then shut the door behind himself and let them take in the room. It was, as everything else was, beautiful. Hercules wasn't sure what he should write about first, the garden, the halls or the room! Thomas was looking at the bed and imagined with a pang of jealousy how Alexander would sleep on it with someone else in his arms, or him in the arms of the other. He wasn't sure where this jealousy came from, or really what he was jealous of. Was he jealous of this man for being closer to Alexander than anyone has ever been to him? Was he jealous of Alexander for being in the constant company of someone whose beauty has him worshipped? He wasn't sure at all.

Alexander made them sit on chairs while he lied down on the bed and closed his eyes.

"Now we wait," he said and put his arms behind his head to be more comfortable. Hercules and Thomas looked at each other before Hercules just shrugged and pulled out both parchment and ink and began writing. Thomas had nothing to occupy himself with, so he decided to conjure up some fire and form it and play with it while he waited. Alexander seemed to have fallen asleep in a few minutes after that. About an hour later the doors were opened and someone entered the room. Both Hercules and Thomas looked up at the noise. They silently gasped as Aaron entered the room. They forgot to breathe for a second as their eyes lay upon his body. He was breathtakingly stunning, absolutely mesmerizing, simply sublime. They forgot for a moment that it was a mortal in front of them, and not a god. They felt like they were mere mortals in the presence of a god, perhaps of a god of divine beauty. There were no better words to describe him, but the words they could use did not seem fitting or even worthy to be associated with this man.

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