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Alexander lay next to Aaron in the field, surrounded by his- their woolmilkpigs. It was odd to... share this with someone else. He remembered way back when, when he had not yet met Aaron and had been absolutely miserable. He had spent days, weeks, months at a time in his crafting groom, only leaving it to get material and after he completed a new project with the sole purpose of pranking someone with it and then going out to prank them with it. Well, to be fair, it wasn't the only thing he ever did. He had been and still was a collector at heart, an artisan in mind and a prankster in his legs. His collection of artefacts and plants and animals, all rare and difficult to obtain and even more difficult to maintain. But hey, he had all the time in the world. No duties to keep him occupied in his immortality, nothing to keep his mind from spiralling into an abyss of despair and loneliness, no purpose to fulfil his empty, worthless life. He shook his head, reminding himself that no, that's not true, he had a purpose now, he wasn't lonely anymore, he wasn't hurling himself into an endless abyss of despair. He had Aaron now, his best friend, and for some time he had been his only friend. Alexander smiled. Thomas and Hercules were his friends now too, again. He had friends again. He wasn't lonely anymore. He wasn't worthless anymore. He had a purpose again. A happy, bubbly feeling burbled inside of him and he chuckled delighted. He was... happy. He was just so happy.

He was just about to speak and tell Aaron of his thoughts, knowing Aaron would understand everything he said with absolute certainty, but Aaron was snoring quietly beside him, having dozed off at some point while letting the light warm his face. Aaron was smiling softly and Alexander chuckled. Aaron was dreaming something that made him happy. Alexander took a long look at him and wondered silently what he was dreaming. He shrugged and conjured up a bed of clouds below Aaron, careful not to shift him in a way that might wake him up from the pleasant dream he was having.

Aaron sat in a wide field of red ground. He looked up into the sky and it was painted blood red. An iron smell lay in the air and there was something incredibly soft pressed into his hands. An even softer melody brushed against his ear like a hot breath and it made Aaron shiver. The melody was absolutely beautiful and Aaron found himself singing a song he didn't know.

Bugs and Berries, Birds and bees
Oh, they live in harmony
Diamond Mountain, crystal sea
How beautiful can my home be
Silver snow and golden sun
If away, to home I'll run
If away, to home I'll run
Em'rald grass, sapphire sky
Happiness that makes me cry
Pearly clouds, so white and soft
Birds singing so high above
My true home, where my heart is from
Call for me and quick I'll come
Call for me and quick I'll come

He opened his eyes again and felt something moving in his hands. He looked down. His hands were red and there were bits of skin and hair. His hands were empty while they had been full before. On the ground lay a familiar body, motionless, red. He tilted his head to the side and raised a brow.

I did this.

His eyes shot open and he found himself lying in his and Alexander's bed. A smile creeped onto his lips again after this second of confusion.

"I must've fallen asleep..." he murmured to himself and stretched his limbs out.

"You slept for a while, you did! But you looked so happy and at peace, I just couldn't wake you. Did you have a nice dream? Looked like it!" Alexander smiled brightly at him from across the room, sitting at a table with a quill in his hand.

"I can't quite remember, to be honest. There was a lot of red, though. What are you doing there?" he pointed to the paper Alexander was writing something on.

"It's part of your present and it's not quite done yet. Why don't you go ahead into the woolmilkpig field?" he beamed and Aaron tilted his head.

"Wait, I slept into my birthday?" he asked but Alexander shook his head.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora