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Hercules' brows furrowed, sceptical and confused as Aaron woke him up and told him about what James told him.

"You think we can trust him?" Hercules asked, "He told you the Judge is after you and wanted him to bring you to him. What's to say he's not going to do that? All he'd have to do is get you out of the barrier. He said he knows where the 'Winding Woods' are, but who's to say he's not just saying that because he knows that's the way to get you out of here?"

"That's paranoid thinking, my heart," Aaron smiled and put his head on Hercules' shoulder, "You must know, I've seen this man at his worst in two separate cases. He was bitter when I met him first. He was lethally depressed when I met him second. It is not my right to tell just what he told me, but I found it convincing enough to warrant my sympathy and an attempt to help. It seems my attempt was mostly successful, he seems... better now, for lack of a better phrase. There is still this weight in his voice, but he's trying his best regardless, and I can't help but admire that."

"So you think we can trust him?" Hercules asked again and Aaron nodded.

"I suppose that's what I think, yes. Do you trust my judgement?" Aaron asked back. Hercules thought.

"I can't find a time where your judgement has been entirely wrong. Can you?" Hercules replied and Aaron shrugged.

"Thomas at first, perhaps. I'd gotten my trust in him from Alexander, though I lost it on my own," Aaron explained. Hercules gave it a second of thought. Then, he put his arms around Aaron, embracing him and pulling him close. Aaron cuddled into him, a happy smile on his lips. A moment of quiet passed before Hercules felt the need to address an issue.

"Aaron... You were... I suppose the term would be 'frustrated' in your case. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Less of a complete failure now that we have someone who knows the location. Infinitely better, thanks for worrying," Aaron smiled up at him and Hercules giggled.

"Don't I always?" he asked with a grin and Aaron giggled in return.

"You always worry about me... You worry about me so much it concerns me. You don't seem to think about yourself as much," Aaron stated. The question 'How come?' was easily implied. Hercules kissed Aaron's head affectionately.

"You're all I've got left. I couldn't bear to lose you," Hercules mumbled.

"Oh, my heart, you have to know I feel the same. If I lost you I wouldn't know into what depression it would throw me. Perhaps I'd grow bitter, perhaps resentful, I wouldn't know. I don't suppose I know how I would handle grief," he mumbled with a thoughtful smile.

"Your parents?" Hercules asked, carefully.

"Were executed in front of me. Really, I scarcely felt anything in that exact moment, and even when my brain comprehended their deaths and the consequences of that, I felt nothing. Whether that was because I am scarcely disturbed by the concept of death or something else is beyond me. Perhaps there is something wrong with me for that, but I wouldn't know. I hadn't exactly anyone 'normal' to compare myself to," Aaron mused and Hercules frowned. Aaron could feel this as Hercules' lips were still on his head, "You're frowning, heart."

"You may not be normal, but know: I do not love you in spite of that. I love you for all of that," Hercules said and it caused Aaron to grin.

"Should I list my abnormalities to take pride in them?" he asked. Hercules laughed loudly.

"Do you take pride in them?" Hercules asked back.

"If I'm loved for them, I do," Aaron grinned, turned his head up and kissed Hercules, "But again, you've driven the topic to me. My heart, I'm worried about you. You keep worrying about me, but not once have I felt you worry about yourself. I don't hope you're as selfless as I've been led to believe."

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now