Forever (Cameron Dallas FanFic)

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Have you ever wondered if there really is that one person for you? That one person out of 6 billion that's supposed to make going through all this breakup shit worth it. At the beginning of the realtionship he seems like that one guy doesn't he? Then he just ends up proving you wrong and turns out to be a complete ass. 

Sorry, can you tell I just got out of a relationship? Two years of my life spent on this guy and it all falls apart within hours. He goes on a college visit, finds a girl there, and next thing you know I'm getting a call that we need "talk". What are you supposed to think after hearing that? Alright, it was a good run. See you around. ? 

Whatever, I'm over it. That was months ago and we don't talk anymore. Claire never really liked him, she thought he was full of shit, which I guess she turned out to be right. Speaking of Claire, I actually have to pick her up from the airport now. She just got back form one of her vine tours. 

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