Chapter 17

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Cam's POV:

I wipe away the tears that are still coming down her cheeks.

"Don't cry babe it's ok. We're ok."

She takes a deep breath and I hug her tightly. She buries her face into my chest and sniffles. "I thought I was going to lose you." She says but it's muffled by my body.

"Shh it's ok. The thing that scared me was I thought you didn't want me anymore. I still wanted you but I thought I lost you too."

She kisses me softly and says, "you'll always have me Cam. I'm not going anywhere."

"Good because neither am I." I say and kiss her again.

The game ended and everyone's coming in to check their scores and to put their guns away. Nash gives me a concerned look and I just nod that I'm fine. He nods back and goes to talk to Claire and Taylor.

"Did anyone notice we were gone?" Cat asks quietly.

"I think only Nash and of course Jack." She stiffens when I say his name and turns to me, "do you mind if I go talk to him? I kind of just left him standing there. I mean at the time I didn't really care but I feel like I should say something now."

I look up to look at Jack and then back at her. "Sure babe, tell him to keep his lips to himself though." I say with a smile but I was kind of serious. She smiles back and gives me a quick kiss before walking over to him. 

Cat's POV:

I walk up to Jack and tap him on the shoulder. As he turns around I start to say something but he cuts me off, "I'm so sorry for kissing you Cat. I don't know why I did it. I guess I forgot that you and Cam made it official, and you're just so darn cute." he says with a little laugh. "I promise it won't happen again and I'll talk to Cam about it. Please don't hate me."

Wow that was... easy. How can I hate him after an apology like that? I sigh and say, "Don't worry, things happen and I don't hate you. People make mistakes, I just wish you would've talked to me instead." I say with a laugh.

He puts his hand on the back of his neck and laughs too. "Yeah sorry, I'm kind of impulsive."

A little smile crosses my lips and I say, "just a bit. Thanks for apologizing though it's means a lot."

"No problem. I don't want to mess up what you and Cam have, that wasn't my intention. I don't really know what came over me."

I shrug and say "just forget about it, it's all good now. Friends?"

He looks away and smiles, shaking his head a little bit. When he looks back he says, "Yeah, friends."

I step forward and give him a hug. He squeezes me and then lets me go, but his arm doesn't leave my body until I start pulling away. As I turn around I look him in the eyes for a second and it gives me a feeling that 'friends' wasn't exactly what he was looking for...

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