Chapter 7

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Cameron's POV:

"Alright you two, we're here." Nash says while opening the door.

Cat sits up and stretches before sliding across the seat to go out his door. I don't know what she feels self conscious about, her body looks great to me. The girls run into the house to grab their suits while we get our bags.

On the way out Taylor says, "So you and Cat huh?"

Nash nudges me and raises his eyebrows so I smack him, but I couldn't help myself from smiling. "Yeah I think so. I mean if she's feeling it."

"Dude she's feeling it. She's all over you." Nash says and I just shrug my shoulders.

"She's hot too. You got lucky." Taylor adds.

I don't like when he calls Cat hot. I mean she is but I got this sort of jealous feeling when he said that. "Yeah, I did."

It's whatever, he can think she's hot, as long as she's mine I don't care.

Cat's POV:

"Which bathing suit should I wear?! What are you wearing?" I ask a little too quickly.

"Woah chill" Claire says with a little laugh. "I'm wearing my hot pink Victoria's Secret one. Here, wear this one!"

She tosses me a neon blue, push up with string bottoms."Oh my god are you kidding me?" I say holding it up. 

"Wear it! I've seen you wear it before and you look hot." I bite my lip and look at the bathing suit. Why not?

We get to the hotel and there's people everywhere. When cameron, Taylor, Nash and Claire get out of the car people come running over to take pictures. A couple of them even ask to take a picture with me. I see girls kissing Cameron on the cheek and I try not to let it bother me. This is what happens and I can't do anything about it, but I also can't help it if I get a little jealous. Hotel security had to come get us because the fans had us circled. Cam grabs my hands and tows me behind him into the hotel. I got some dirty looks and some "you're so lucky!"s from the girls we pass by. 

We finally get inside and Nash says to me, "Good, you're still in one piece."

I laugh and say, "That was crazy! That happens everywhere?!"

"Maybe not to that extreme but yeah pretty much." Taylor says while wrapping his arm around Claire's waist.

"Let's go put our bags in the room." Cam says and grabs a luggage cart.

When we get into the room the boys immediately throw their stuff onto the floor and take their shirts off. Holy shit... I know Claire told me that Cameron had a nice body, but actually seeing it in person is jaw dropping. I had to look away before he caught me staring, even though I think he did already because he had a little smile on his face.

"I'm going to go change." I say grabbing my stuff and then walking into the bathroom.

Claire follows behind me and once we're both inside we turn around and start changing.

"Did you see Taylor's back muscles?? Oh my god I'm like dying right now." she whispers. 

"I was too busy looking at Cam's. Those abs though! I've never seen a more gorgeous body."

She rolls her eyes at me, "Well then get it girl. Can you tie me?"

"Yeah I got you. Me too." She ties my top and we both look at ourselves in the mirror.

Claire gives me a smug smile and says, "See Cat, you look good! I told you that bathing suit makes you look sexy."

I have to admit, this bathing suit does compliment me. It makes my boobs look bigger, which is nice since I'm just a C. Although, I wish the bottoms were bigger, I feel like my butt is hanging out.

"Not as good as you!" I say, "you're so tan!"

She laughs and says, "Thanks to Magcon Orlando!" with a wink.

"Alright let's go." She opens the door and steps out.

I can already hear Taylor saying "daayyuummmm!"

I laugh a little bit and, after taking a deep breath, walk through the door.

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