Chapter 14

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Cat's POV:

Do I really love Cameron? It suprised me a little bit but I think I do. I never really thought love at first sight was real until I actually experienced it. I lean on the counter where we buy our tickets and I feel arms wrap around me from behind.

"Hey babe." Cam says into my ear. I smile and turn around to face him.

"So I'm babe now?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah," he says and leans his forehead against mine. "My babe."

I start blushing and give him a little kiss before turning around to face the counter. The guy finally shows up and we all start to buy our tickets.

"She's with me." Cameron tells the worker.

"It's ok Cam I can pay for myself." I say reaching for my money.

He stops my hand and says, "Nope, I'm paying for you and you're just going to have to deal with it." smirking down at me.

I pretend to pout and he smiles. I can't hold my pouty face for very long because his smile automatically makes me smile too. He knows he wins and gets our tickets.

"I see you trying to keep a straight face." He says and intertwines our fingers.

"Whatever, it's not my fault that you have the cutest smile ever."

"I think there's one exception." He disagrees and raises his eyebrows at me. I look away so he can't see me smile but he turns my face so he can see it. He laughs and says, "I love it when you get all shy. It's so cute to me."

I don't know what to say so I just lean up to give him a quick kiss. "Let's go on the roller coasters!" I say and run in the direction of them, pulling him behind me.

Cameron's POV:

How am I supposed to tell her that I love her? Would she even say it back? I mean it has only been one day but when it hits you, you just know. I want to make it special but I don't know how. Love at first sight is so weird. It's so sudden but you're so sure of it.

I snap out of it when we start picking teams for laser tag. On my team is Claire, Nash, Matt, Jack G., and Hayes. The other team is Cat, Aaron, Carter, Shawn, Jack J., and Taylor.

"Alright let's get this started!" Carter yells and we all go pick our guns.

When we get inside I see Cat wink at me and then run over by her team. I laugh and go over by mine.

"Half of us go upstairs and the other half split up down here. Don't leave your back unprotected and always have your gun ready. Ok??" Matt was giving us a little pep talk before we start.

"Just shoot people that are not lit up red." Nash says and smacks Matt on the back of his head.

"Yeah exactly! Lets do this! Wooh!!" He yells while jumping up and down. I just laugh and shake my head. Gotta love Matt, he's such a spazz.

The buzzer sounds for us to start and me, Claire, and Matt go upstairs. I run around the top and shoot a couple people running below me. After awhile I camp out in a corner and look around the first floor.

As I scan around the room my eye catches something right below me and my heart suddenly sinks, making me drop my gun. Behind one of the walls I saw Jack G. and Cat kissing.

Sinking to the floor, I try to wrap my head around what I just saw. I feel like I got tabbed in the stomach. She said she was already mine... The way she smiles at me, and kisses me, it can't just be a lie. I suddenly get pissed and stand up to run down to the first floor. 

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