Chapter 16

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Cat's POV:

My heart breaks and I let my hands fall to my sides, letting go of him. I put my head down and bring my hands to my face sobbing into them and trying to figure out how I lost him so fast. I couldn't stop myself from crying, there was no way.

I look up and Cameron had already stepped around me to leave. Jack was walking towards me but I hold my hand up to stop him. I don't want him anywhere near me right now.

It can't be over. I can't let this be over. I follow Cam out the doors to where we picked out our guns and we're the only two in there, except he's on the opposite side.

"Is there anything I can say to make you believe that I had no control over that?" I say dropping my stuff on the floor.

"You kissed him back didn't you? I saw it." He says angrily.

"Cam I had no intention of kissing him. You have to believe me." I say practically begging.

He shakes his head and says, "I don't know what to believe Cat. You act like I'm so important and then I see you kissing Jack. Can you see how bad that looks?"

I bite my lip thinking... "What, what can I do to make you believe me?" I ask desperately. He still hasn't looked at me and he doesn't say anything. He just turns his back to walk out and I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.

"I love you Cameron."

Cameron's POV:

I stop and stand there for a second, thinking about what I just heard. When I turn around she's still standing there with tears rolling down her face.

"I love you." She says. "I can't explain how I know but I know I do. I love all of you and I love us together. I love your smile and the way you tease me. I love the way you kiss me and hold me. I love your brown eyes and your tight hugs and just everything about you. And I love the way you make me feel so special, like I'm the best person even when I'm not."

She's still crying and I start walking towards her. "I love you so much and I can't lose you. I can't."

She puts her head down and I lift her face up so I can look into her eyes. We don't say anything, we just look at each other. She starts to say "I'm sorr.." But I crush my lips to hers and cut her off. She kisses me like she's never kissed me before andI make it so that there's no room between us picking her up. I kiss her even more passionately and her hands find handfuls of my hair.

When I set her down we break apart but we still don't let any room in between us, our breathing heavy from that kiss. We lean our foreheads on each other's and both of our eyes are closed. My lips find hers again and I kiss her softly.

"Not exactly how I wanted this to go but I guess it works." I say with a little smile.

She looks up at me and laughs, "I love you... so much."

I kiss her one more time and say "I love you too babe. More then you'll ever know."

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