Chapter 8

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Cat's POV:

I walk over to my bag to grab my shorts, trying to ignore the stares. After putting them on I look up just to see all the guys look away in all different direction. I laugh and walk over to Cameron. He wasn't looking at me so I wrap my arms around his waist and say, "ready to go?"

"Umm.. Uh yeah, let's go." I slide my arms up his chest and lock them behind his neck.

"Are you nervous?" I ask looking up into his eyes.

He laughs a little and looks away. "Maybe."

He looks back at me and bites his lip, ugh that was sexy. I wish we had some privacy right now... I tease him by stretching up like I'm about to kiss him but stop and grab his hand and pull him out the door. "Let's go!"

Nash, Taylor, and Claire laugh and follow behind us out the door. When we get to the pool everyone is pretty much there. Carter, Jack J., and Shawn were in the hot tub. Jack G., Hayes, Aaron, and Matt are playing volleyball in the pool. Everyone turns to look when we open the door and Carter, Matt, and Jack J. start checking Claire out right away. Jack G., Aaron and Shawn are staring at me actually so I suddenly get a little nervous and hide behind Cam a little bit. 

He puts his arm around my waist and we walk over to some chairs to put our stuff down. I take my shorts off and turn to see Cameron checking me out. "Wow, you look so good Cat." He says with a cute smile.

I start blushing and hit him on the shoulder, "oh shut up."

He leans in to kiss me but instead, picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. "Oh my god! Cam no stop!"

I couldn't help but laugh even though I was about to get thrown into the icy pool. I'm trying to get free but he throws me into the water with no hesitation. When I come up the guys are laughing and I splash Cameron really bad. Claire sneaks up behind him and pushes him in too. All of us start laughing even harder because he practically lands on Matt. All of a sudden Taylor does a huge cannon ball and the water splashes up and directly hits Claire, so she jumps in after him and tries to dunk him.

I feel arms go around my waist and at first I think they're Cameron's but it's Jack G. He picks me up and throws me like I weigh nothing. I come up laughing and wipe the hair out of my face. He was laughing too and gave me a little wink that causes my cheeks to get a little warm but I try not to think about it that much.

Cameron and Nash are play fighting and Nash gets a good dunk on Cam. Then I see Shawn hold up his phone and say, "Pool with the baes!"

The guys start yelling and doing crazy things while Claire jumps and hangs on me while we make really ugly faces. I was just in Shawn's vine... That's crazy! Later I'm going to see if he'll sing a cover for me. He's so freaking good!

Jack G. Comes up to me and asks, "Hey Cat, want to go sit in the hot tub?"

I look over to see what Cameron's doing and it looks like he's having fun so I won't bother him. "Yeah sure." I say with a nice smile.

We get out of the pool and walk over to the hot tub. "I like your bathing suit." He says as we step in.

"Thanks, it's Claire's. I think she wears it better though. "He laughs, "Thats pretty hard to do, considering how you look in it right now."

I roll my eyes and say, "alright sure Jack."

Cameron's POV:

I come up from being tackled by Nash and Matt and look for Cat. She's not in the pool, so I look around. Where did she go?

Then I see her in the hot tub. She's laughing with Jack about something and he scoots closer to her, putting his arm up on the ledge. What is he doing? Did he not see us walk in together?

Cat sees that he got closer and nonchalantly scoots away. That makes me feel a little better, seeing her not really show any interest. Should I go over there or let them be? I mean we're not officially dating but I was planning on changing that soon.

Nash pats me on the shoulder and says, "Hey man, what are you looking at?" He looks in the direction I'm staring at and says, "oh..."

A second later Cat looks up and we stare right at each other.

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