Chapter 3

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Claire is pretty much on Taylor's lap after only 10 minutes in the limo. They're talking really close and I don't really feel like watching them eat each other's faces, I've witnessed that enough with previous guys.   

"So uh Taylor, what happened on the plane?" Cameron says, which snaps the two out of it. What great timing. I look up at him again and he gives me a little wink.

"I mean what did the flight attendant say to you?" He says looking back to Taylor.

"Oh! so apparently you're not allowed to mess with people sleeping next to you that you don't know... Whatever, I got a good vine out of it." Taylor says with a shrug.

We all laugh at him and then him and Claire just pick up right where they left off. I sigh a little bit and Cameron nudges me with his knee. 

"Sorry I tried."

I couldn't help but smile, "It's okay, it was worth a shot." 

Nash leans forward and says, "So Cat, I have a really serious question for you and you have to answer honestly." 

I look him straight in the face and say, "Alright, I'm ready."

"I was just wondering... Do you got a bae?!" *tongue click* "Or nah?" Cam joins in when he says, "Is you tryna date?" *tongue click* "Or nahh?"

I look down laughing, not sure if they really want me to answer the question.

"You got that bae Cat?!" Nash says while shaking my knee. I look up and shake my head, "No I don't got that bae."

Both of them look at each other and say simultaneoulsy, "Really??" in suprised voices. 

"Umm yeah, why?"

"Becuase you're so..." Cam says.

"So what?" I say hesitantly.

He puts his hand on the back of his neck nervously and says, "Well you're so gorgeous, and nice. It's kind of surprising."

"Yeah it really is." Nash adds.

I start blushing again and look down smiling. It's been awhile since someone has called me gorgeous or beautiful. I mean guys have liked me since my last relationship but they were usually douche bags who just wanted to hook up. Their compliments usually included 'sexy' or 'hot'. 

"Oh.... Thanks guys." I say shyly, looking at my hands. "I guess the right guy hasn't come along yet."

Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Nash nudge Cameron slightly, but I could've been imagining that.

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