Chapter 18

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Cat's POV:

I try not to let that bother me and keep walking towards Cam. He opens his arms and hugs me close but I can tell he's looking at Jack while he does it too. I put my hand over his eyes and kiss him. "You don't have to do that. You know I'm yours." I say.

He looks down at me and smiles before saying, "I know, it's a guy thing."

It starts to get late so we get our cars and leave. While we drive back Cameron looks like he has something on his mind. "What are you thinking about baby?" I ask and put my head on his shoulder.

He pauses for a second and says, "I was just wondering if you wanted to stay at the hotel tonight. You don't have to. I just wanted to ask in case you wanted to."

I smile and say "yeah that'd be fun! I just have to go get my stuff at home though."

"Really?? You want to stay over?" He says surprised but happy.

"Yeah," I laugh. "Why?"

He shrugs and says, "I just didn't know if you thought it was too soon or not."

"Ohhhh! Not to me. I mean it's just a sleepover."

He kisses me and says, "you're amazing."

When we get back to the hotel we drop the guys off and me and Claire go get our stuff.

"What happened during laser tag? I saw you run after Cam..." Claire asks me while we drive to her house.

I bite my lip and say, "Jack kissed me... And it wasn't a little kiss either?" Might as well not sugar coat it.

"WHAT?!?" She yells, "are you serious??"

"Yeah, I'm not kidding. He just grabbed me and kissed me out of nowhere."

She shakes her head and says, "did you kiss him back?"

I hesitate and say, "yeah... But only for a second then I pushed him away." 

"You didn't feel anything right?" She asks slowly.

"No I was too shocked. It was nothing like kissing Cameron though. It felt nice but it was like any other kiss. Nothing special."

She nods and says, that's good, so was Cam ok with it?? I can't imagine he would be." 

"At first he wasn't at all and we almost broke up but he calmed down and we told each other that we love each other too much to give this up so we're fine now."

She sighs with relief. "Ok good, you scared me. I haven't seen you this happy with someone in awhile. I mean after Alec... Well we don't have to talk about that. I can see how important he is to you."

I smile and look out the window. "Yeah he's really something. I can't imagine being with someone else, he's really special to me. But enough about me and Cam, how are you and Taylor?!"

She smiles and starts blushing, "we're good. He finally made is official earlier today. I just didn't know when to tell you. I haven't talked to you all day."

"Yeah I know! Today was crazy! But I'm so happy for you!"

We stopped at her house and I just borrowed some stuff so we didn't have to go back to my house. When we get back to the hotel the guys are all playing basketball so me and Claire go sit by the pool and watch.

"You know who texted me and wanted to hang out tonight?" Claire says pulling out her phone.

"Who?" I ask taking out my ear buds.

"Nicole. She says she misses us and was wondering what we were doing. Should I invite her over here?"

"Aww yeah! I miss Nicole tell her to come over! I'm sure the boys won't mind."

I'm actually positive the boys won't mind. Nicole is gorgeous. She's a skinny blonde cheerleader and she loves the vine boys. Not like in a creepy way but yeah, she would definitely have a good time with these guys. Plus she's not stuck up or anything so she'll get along quickly.

Claire texts her and tells her which hotel we're staying at. A couple minutes later she responds and says she's on her way. Eventually the boys finish their game and come over by us.

They're all sweaty and a few jump in the pool. Cameron has his shirt off and damn does he look good. Like holy shit... I can't stop checking him out. I smile and motion for him to bend down so I can 'tell him something' but instead I pull his lips to mine.

After a second we hear someone say, "Cat? Claire?"

Nicole finally got here and when she rounds the corner to the pool all of the guys stop what they're doing to stare at her... Including Cam... 

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