Chapter 10

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Cat's POV:

A huge smiles spreads across his face and he leans down to give me another kiss.

"So does this make you my girlfriend now?" He says wrapping his arms around my waist.

I slide my hands up his arms onto his shoulders. "I don't know. Is this you asking me to be your girlfriend now?" I say cutely.

"I think so, yeah." He says and bites his lip. Ugh why is he so good at that? I look down smiling and say "yes," looking back up into his eyes, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

his answering smile fills my stomach with butterflies again and he brings his lips to mine again. So I tighten my grip on him and he picks me up spinning me around. When he puts me down he says, "Want to go change?"

I look at his body and bite my lip. "I guess for now." I say with a wink.

He laughs and holds my hand as we make our way over to the lobby. We found the corner but immediately step back. There are girls all over the lobby looking for the guys.

"Shit, I don't know how we can get to the elevator without them seeing us." He says quietly. I'm not sure if he didn't want his fans to see us because we'll get swarmed or because he didn't want them to know he had a girlfriend.

"Is it because of me?" I ask quietly. 

He turns and faces me and says, "No not at all! I just didn't want us to get caught in the crowd. You're my girlfriend now and it doesn't bother me if they know. I mean they can't expect me to stay single forever..."

I laugh and say, "I think they do."

"Well that sucks because I don't want to give you up, and I'm not going to."

I couldn't help but smile and I give him a little kiss, "good me neither."

"So now we just have to sneak into the elevator and we'll be good to go."

"I'll walk across first and you sneak behind. They won't make a huge deal about me." I say peaking around the corner. 

"Alright" he says and gives a me quick kiss, "see you in a bit."

I put my shorts on and start to walk across the lobby, "oh my gosh, it's Cathryn!" One of the girls yell. Oh shit, that was unexpected. A bunch of the girls run over to me and ask for a picture and if I was just with Cameron. I don't know what to say, I was to busy getting phones shoved in front of my face for a selfie.

Through the girls I see Cameron get to the other side of the lobby. He looks at me and I nod for him to keep going.

"Actually he went over to the workout room to make a vine with Taylor. Maybe they'll let you see it." I say pointing behind me.

The girls scream and go sprinting towards the workout room and hotel security runs after them. I run over to the elevators and Cameron holds his hand out for me. We jog over quickly and get into one of the elevators just as the girls run past the workout room. He presses the button for our floor and the doors finally close.

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