Chapter 1

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I wait for Claire at her terminal while playing the best game of flappy bird that I have ever played in my entire life, well within the last month of having the game. My high score was 151 and just when I was about to beat it I hear Claire scream and I drop my phone! She comes running towards me, struggling a little bit with her carry-on, pillow, and blanket that was now dragging on the ground. When she reaches me she throws her stuff onto the floor and jumps on me, practically knocking both of us on our asses. 

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much! It's been so long!" she shouts right into my ear.

I laugh and say, "It was only 2 weeks..."

she gives me a look like she knew I was bullshitting her, "Alright! I missed you like crazy! School was so boring without you. I didn't have anyone in psychology and it dragged soooo much."

Claire and I would always pass notes across the room or make fun of our old craky teacher, Mrs. Bloomington. She has a monotone voice that could put a screaming baby to sleep in a matter of seconds and her underwear is always sticking out of the top of her pants like she has a permanent wedgie or something. 

"Oh god I'm so sorry! Well I guess next time you're just going to have to come with me... now that we're both single together!" She elbows me and raises her eyebrows up and down tauntingly. I roll my eyes and hug her again changing the subject, "Ahhh I freaking  missed you! Was it fun??" 

She smiles but rolls her eyes too. "Yeah it was pretty fun, I mean despite all the screaming girls when Shawn sang or when Matt tried to dance, but yeah I had a good time. I love hanging out with the guys." She says with a little wink. 

I just laugh and say, "Of course you do." 

One thing about Claire is that she is drop dead gorgeous and is completely boy obssessed. She's not a "whore" in the slightest, more of a pathological flirt. Yet, once she has her eyes set on one guy, it's over, that's the one that has acquired her complete and utmost attention. 

 She grabs my arm and says, "Do you want to meet all of them?? They were on my flight back here." She gets up on one of the seats and looks around for them.  I try pulling her down while saying, "No it's fine Claire we can just..." But she cuts me off by waving her arm and yelling across the terminal, "Hey! Guys come here!"

Another thing about Claire is that she doesnt care about drawing attention to herself, it's like a normal thing for her. She hops down from the seat and looks at me. "What? I thought you would want to meat them."

"Mhmm, sure. You just want to flirt with that one that wears bandanas all the time."

"You mean Taylor?? Pshh, I mean... Shut up he's gorgeous" She says and gives me a little shove. The guys finally reach us and there are like 10 of them! I think I might recognize 3... I know Shawn because I LOVE his voice, the one in the bandana is Taylor I guess, and I know Nash because of those eyes, like damn... They're so blue! There's always a guy with him in his vines but I can't remember his name. I think it starts with a C or something,  I don't go on vine that  much.

"Hey guys this is my best friend Cat. Cat, this is Taylor, Matt, Carter, Aaron, Hayes, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Shawn, Nash and Cameron."

Ohhh, so his name is Cameron....

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