Chapter 6

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It was the second to last night before this school year. I went to a "throw away everything" party. Throw away everything parties are parties where you forget about things that have happened in the past, things you don't want to think about. This was a good party for a person with a lot of problems.

There is another thing these parties are good for- drinking. Yes. Drinking.

You have to be 14+ to get in. The drinking limit was brought down to age 14 when my parents were in school. They said it sent kids into a crazy state. A lot of drinking were causes in car accidents, and deaths that happened within the first few years.

After roughly 5 years of the law being passed, things toned down a bit. Kids started learning how to be responsible drinkers when they were 6-8 years old depending on their grade level. Kids, when they turned into teens at age 14, knew how to be responsible enough to know when is a good time to drink, when it is not a good time. How many to have, how many is too many. Kids, now, have a good understanding of all of that and more.

Today, teens, and adults too, don't drink as often as people years ago. The law remains still. No changes have been made either.

Back to the party...

The party was being held at a jock's house, Josh, and he was kinda cute. I was invited by his friend, Andre, who was good friends with some people I knew.

It was my first party with drinks. I was excited, just a little, and I have never tasted it. My first taste was blue wine. I had a little glass, known as a shot. I then tried a shot of red wine. It tasted better. Then, Josh, the jock, came up to me with a little bigger glass of a green wine.

"This will be the best drink of the whole night." He said, I could smell something weird in his breath. Almost like smoke and a sweet candy stick.

He handed me the glass and put his arm around me. I downed the glass. It felt necessary.

He laughed and said, "Hey! Want something else?"


He took my hand, lead me up a tall stair case inside the house. We passed, I believe, 3 doors before we came to one which he lead me into. I could barely see. I don't see very much.

"Come to my voice." I hear him say.

When I get to him there is just a little bit of moonlight on his face. He has beautiful brown, almost crystal like, eyes.

He smiles with his near perfect teeth. "What a drink?" His smile gets wider with each word.


I can see what he hands me but it look big and full.

"What is it?"

"Just drink it. Don't chug it though. You will throw up."

I take a sip. Then a bigger sip. Then a drink, then a gulp.

"Let me take a few sips."

He takes the bottle and takes quite a long drink.

I take the bottle from his hand and slowly make my way closer to him.

He leans in really close. Oddly his breath doesn't smell as much anymore.

"Are you going into 8 class?" He whispers.

I lean in just a little closer. "Yes. What class you in?"

He gives me a gentle kiss. "Same."

At that something sparks. I feel myself kiss him. Not for a few seconds. A while. He wraps he arms around me. I wrap mine around him. We break just long enough for me to catch my breath and find a place to sit. It is a bed. I slam my head down. He lays right next to me.

I turn sit up, grab his shirt collar while getting on top of him, and pull him more on the bed. I start to kiss him more and more.

Then, I feel something. I dont know what. His hand. On my waist bare waist. His hand starts go up. I sit up, and pull him up with me.

The last thing I remember is ripping off his shirt. And noticing his abs. And then just as my memory fades, I remember starting to make-out with him.

I don't remember what happened after that.

I wake up with my body half naked on his with both of our shirts, shoes, and pants on the floor. It is just starting to get light outside. I looked at a clock next to the bed. It read 5:32.

I kissed him very softly. Josh woke.



"What?" He comes to his senses a little more.

"It is 5:30."

"Oh wow!"


He sits up.

"Is it weird I don't remember anything after we fell asleep?"

"I dont remember anything after I saw these." I pointed to his 6 pack, and ran my finger along them.

"You don't?" He said smiling.

"No. Why?"

He laughed.

I let out a little chuckle. "What?"

"Want me to show you? We still have a while until guests HAVE to me gone."

I thought. If we did something, it means it is ok. "Sure. Yea!"

He sits up all the way now. He takes my legs and positions them around him. He starts to kiss my lips, then moves to my cheek, then neck. Then, he moved further- my chest.

"What are you doing?" I pull away.

"Showing you what we did last night."

"Ok..." I pause. He continues. "I didn't say continue."

"Fine." He pauses. "Wanna know another thing?"


He takes his hands and brings them up and down my sides, and brings his lips to mine. He starts to make-out with me.

When I least expect it, he puts his hand on my lower back brings them up very slowly. He puts his hand on my bra clasp and right before he can unclasp it, I speak up.



"I think I am done."

"What do you mean done?" He looks mad. "Am I not kissing good enough?"

"No. This is just to far." I back up a little.

"Come here."


"Don't tell me no!"

"I am leaving."

He takes one of my hands. I take my other, put it into a fist, and punch his face. I, then, get up, put on my shirt, pants, and shoes, and walk out.

"Wait!" I hear his voice behind me and keep walking.

I walked out of the house and walked home.

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