Chapter 9

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When I come to again, I see a brown cloth bag on my head. And I hear a faint voice. I know not to move my head.

"What are we going to do about her?"

"She obviously hasn't read the letter."

"I know."

I hear the door open.

"You got the girl?"

"Yes." I recognize the voice, it is of the girl who gave Hank the letter, Liddy.

"Who is the other one?"

"A boy she is with." A male voice I have never heard before.

"And what do you plan to do with him?" That voice is Hank, or he sounds like Hank.

"We don't know yet sir." Liddy says.

"Well one thing is certain, he has to know what is going on or we will be exposed. How long have they both been out?" Hank says.

"They have been out for 4 hours." The Man says.

Four hours?! Oh My God! What happened to testing?

I start to move my head around.

"Hey. Look!" Liddy says.

"James, Take the bag off of her head."

I feel the bag come off my head and I see an all white room around me.

"Hello, again." Hank says.

"What is going on?" I speak up.

"Untie her, Liddy."

Liddy unties me. I stay still.

"Anna," Hank starts, "listen to me. You are ok. We are no longer at school. We are at Building 41 on the East Portion of Kinder." Hank pauses, looks around and continues. "When you told the guard you had a headache, the guard was one of our agents. She knows that you did not have a headache. She let you go but put a tracker on your back.

"After the tracker was put on your back, we tracked were you were, and found out what room you and your friend were in. He saw us when we hit your back. He tried to escape but failed. And that is where we had to take him with us."

"Is he ok?" I ask.

"What does it matter?"

"It matters."

"Liddy? James?"

"He will be fine." Liddy says.

"Who hit him? I ask?

"I did." James says.

"Who are you, "James"?" I ask.

"I have been with the project evacuate since day 2."

"And now might be a good time to read that letter." Hank says.

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