Chapter 16

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"I just want you to make sure," I pause. "That you don't forget me."

He smiles.


He turns and runs.

That is the last of him I saw.

I turn, start to walk, but stop, and sob. I have to go.

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and run back home.

I get home faster than I wanted to. I see Hank on my step. He looks sad.


"I had to do the same thing Jay just had to do. Except mine was at Placement Day. Sit, please."

"Can we go inside?"

"Of coarse."

We go to the lounge room and sit on one of our couches.

"Anyways. Continue."

"Tawn was her name. She was the love of my life. She was beautiful. She had light brown hair, chocolate eyes, and an amazing smile. I lost connection with her when we went on Placement Day. She was issued into Local Living as a game tester. She loved gaming.

"But then, when we got a threat from an outer source, I saw a gamer building blow up. I was on a mission. We had to deliver the news and bodies to the families. When they brought up records, Tawn's body was supposed to be in there. I had to deliver her to her family.

"When her body was recovered, I went to her mom and dad's house. I knocked on the door. Her dad opened up.

"'Who are you?' He asked. I told him my name, who I was, and what I was doing there.

"And that was when I asked him if I could come in. He asked why. I told him that I need to inform him of something, but I must do it in private. We went inside, and sat on one of the couches in the lounge room.

"I told him about the explosion, and how his daughter was in the building. He started to cry. I said I hate to be the one to tell him this because I was very close to his daughter. I said I was sorry. I gave him a letter. I dont know what it exactly said. I left with that."

"Wow. I am really sorry." I say choking on my words.

"I have moved on, as best as I can. That is when I talked to a few of my colleges about a possible revelation.  They heard me out. When I was done, they were for the idea. We sat down and came up with many things, including you."

"So I have-"


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