Chapter 19

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"Anna Lumber."

"ID card." The guard asked.

"I don't have one yet. I am going to training." I said curiously.

"What floor?"

I try to remember. Lusher Hall. No. Tumbly Hall? No.

"Tybert Hall. 208."

The door next to him opens.

"Have a good time Miss Lumber. Have fun and listen." He says with a smile.

I step into the elevator. The doors close very quickly. There is a faint clicking noise.

Listen? Why do people keep saying listen? Listen? Listen for what, to who?

Suddenly, the elevator opens. There is fog on the floor.


I don't see anyone.

"ANNA!" I step out of the elevator. It closes quickly behind me, like it it did when I got on it downstairs.


I start to walk forward.

"Jay?" There is a shadowy figure at the end of the hall.

I ran towards it as it said "Anna? Anna! ANNA!"

I see him! "Jay!" I call to him. "JAY!"

I get to the figure. I stop suddenly. "Jay?"

"You thought it was Jay. That is how easily your untrained mind is tricked."


"Hello Trainee Lumber."

I feel anger boiling inside me.

"What did you do him? Where is he?" I am very heated with my words.

"Don't worry. I found out this morning from a private commander he was rescued before too much damage was done."

"Damage?" I ponder the thought. Damage. Have there been lots of attacks? How many people are still out there?

"Anna?" My vision starts to go black. "Anna?" I hear a voice call out to me. "Anna?" Faint, the voice sounds. "Anna?" Everything is black. Wait. There is a picture up ahead. Who is that? What is that? Is it anything? I walk forward toward it. It starts to get bigger.

Then everything goes white, like a flash of light. When my vision comes to I see him.
His eyes, his smile, his hair.


"Hey Tree Stump."

I embrace him with all of my might. Man I missed him.

"Wait! I thought you were dead."

"I am."

"Am I dead?"


"Where am I?"

"In between. Look up."

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