Chapter 18

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A plate of fresh bread, hot eggs, two links of maple sausage, and a glass of orange juice are at my spot at the table the next morning.

"Good Morning!" Mom says as I look at my plate. I am in black lounge pants and an old tee shirt, I feel like crap, and she is really cheery. I don't know why, something seems off.

"What's the occasion?" I look at her with a straight, cold face.

"Ummm, I made you a nice meal, on your last morning in your home, before you go into training in a new and unknown place. Be thankful."

"I am. Really. But, we never can afford this stuff. How did you get the money?"

"Saved up." She looked out the little window above the sink, at the orange and yellow sky.

I ate all my bread, eggs, and sausage, and drank all of my orange juice. I looked at my mom who was in the same stance as she was when I started eating. I feel like I should cry. I don't, and just decide to go to my room.

When I get inside, I close my room door, go to my closet, open it, and take the two hangers with my new, everyday outfit. There is a pair of mud green and black, pants, a deep sea blue tee shirt, and a deep sea blue belt on one hanger. On the other hanger there is a black jacket with deep sea blue, and mud green stitching, patches, lettering, and symbols, a mud green cap with deep sea blue stitching, and a silver dog tag.

After I put on my new outfit, I think about my new life, my new routine, my new journey. Yesterday, I was a child. Today, when I walk through security, I am a militia lady.

* * *

Mud, grass, stones, bricks, wood, and people. Those are the things I see as I approach the front of The Building Number 2 in the Downtown Sector.

"Hi! Are you a new recruit? Are you here for training?" A bigger built lady, at a shinny desk, asks me as soon as I walk through a solid oak door of The Building Number 2.

"Hi. Yes, and yes." I sound very monotone.

"Ok. Well, my name is Sara Kar. And your name is?" She sticks her hand out intending for me to shake it. I take it.

"I am Anna. Anna Lumber." I say with a little more enthusiasm in my voice.

"Well, let's take a look at your assignment number." Sara types furiously on her computer. She frowns, and looks up. "Ummm. Anna, are you sure you are supposed to be checking in here? Says here you are to be coming with Sergeant Kailin Shuemock. Is this correct?"

"I have never heard of her." I am now confused. Hank said once I check in, be prepared to follow up with him at morning free time. "Are you sure you spelt my name right?"

Sara looks at her computer. "Your name is spelt A-N-A L-U-M-S-E-R. Ana Lumser, right?"

"No. My name is Anna, with two N's, and Lumber, with a B."

"Oh. I am terribly sorry. Let me try this again." She types furiously, once again, on her computer. "Ah ha! Anna Lumber. You are to report to Tybert Hall Room 208. Do you need directions?"

"Yes, please." I look around. There a lot more people at desks helping people, old, young, and very strong, about what I have no clue.

"You are going to go to that hallway right there, labeled Dasker Hall." She pointed to the hallway directly right of us. "Go down as far as you can to an elevator. There will be an attendant there. Ask him to go up to floor 2 for Tybert Hall. He will ask why are you reporting. Simply say Training. Once up the elevator, you will turn to the right go straight down until you see a sign that say Tybert Hall. Follow that from there to room 208. It is a lot easier once you get to the hall. Any questions?"

"What was your name again?"


"Thank you Sara!" I say with a smile.

"Hope to see you around. Have fun, and listen." She smiles.

"Bye." I smile and walk away.

I go down the hall to the elevator. There is one person already at the guard post.


"Willow Queen."

"Ok. ID card." She hands over her ID card. "Mrs. Queen, I am afraid I can't let you go upstairs. Turns out you have a precondition out for you. Sorry. Come back when it is over turned."

Preconditioned? Why would she have a precondition and not have been taken to the head of chief downtown.

Here, if you have a precondition, you are on a wanted list. Or you have done something bad enough to pose a threat to others. I don't know what this lady did, but she seems so nice. By looks any ways. I only caught a glimpse of her face for a moment.

She looked like Sheba Perrin.

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