Chapter 14

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I step outside and the air is crisp. I can tell it is late February.


I am starting to remember what is going on.

There was an explosion. There was a riot. I was exported to Chicago. Stayed there for a week. I then went to Madison. stayed there for 2 months. When my time was up, Hank met up with me, and took me to Janesville. We stayed in Janesville, with my mom, dad, and brother, until another explosion, about 2 1/2 months later, and I went into a coma. I was released back to my house, in Praire Du Chien. That is where I just was.

I walk to my favorite tree from when I was younger, and climb to the middle to sit on a branch.

Then the tree starts to shake.

"Hey Anna!" Jay says as I see his head come over a branch. "What ya up to?"

"Not much. Just taking it all in while I can."

Jay joins me on the branch.

"It is a great view of the river. And all the landscape is incredible."

Jay is right. The river is beautiful. The trees are bare but the wood is perfect! Everything together is a great blend.


"What is it, Anna?"

He looks at me. I kiss him softly. He kisses me back.

I lay my head on his shoulder. He kisses me on the forehead.

Then, we hear a bang, and we sit straight up. I turn around to see smoke just beyond my neighborhood .

"Lets go!" Jay says.

I jump from the branch, and I hit the ground. My leg hurts too much to stand up.

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