Chapter 10

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I open the envelope and read.

Hello. My name is Jonathan Kungslu. I have been creating this mission for a very long time. The Escape Project is a very important procedure. The steps 1, 2, and 3 are complete. You are step three, Anna. You are, what we like to call, the Born a Hero. Born a Hero is someone who is very intelligent. The show great combat skills. The show stability in many situations. We believe that is you! Anna, listen to the Head Commander. He knows what is best.

Another thing, you can't tell anyone HC has not said you can discuss this matter with. You will not be a leader. You will be too out there. We need you to stay with the HTC. HTC stands for the Head Troops Compartment. There you will be Troop Number 3302061. Yes. This is personal just for you.

I am getting ahead of myself.

Escape Project is, like I said before, very important. It will break us of Kinder. Kinder is different. There are cities everywhere. We are a state. Right over, what used to be, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. We can't leave our areas unless work says so. We don't like that. We want to explore. We want to live life. We want to rome free and explore what is outside of Kinder.

Here is where you come in. We will take troops with us to go outside. You will be among them. You will be trained like all of them. You will be a degree lower than a commander. You will stay to the sidelines. But, when the time comes to leave, you will be the face on the TVs saying, "We are leaving! Good bye!" That is why you are important.

We hope you like MEP. Can't wait to see you on the outside!


Jonathan Kungslu


"What is it Anna?" Hank says.

"So I am-"

"Important?" Liddy starts. "Yes. You are the way out."

"Anna. Listen very carefully. You can't tell your family, your friends, or anyone else. I have a list of people right here of people you can tell." And with that, James hands me a cream letter.

"Is Jay on the list?"

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