Chapter 16- What the hell?

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Unknown POV:

They kept doing assigned missions for them. Until one day, a special mission arrived for the first unit.

"So, we'll basically have to kill the Dyaus Pita and Pvithri Mata whatever and we'll get Lindow's...armlet?" Yuu asked.

"Indeed. We detected signals, from we believe Lindow's armlet. If ever, come back safely."

"Finally... finally! Lindow..."

They gazed at Sakuya. Tsubaki approached her and smiled. "Sakuya, I hope after this you can rest and stop grieving. After all, Lindow said he loves the type of girl that is strong and all."

"H-He said? I though he wanted those beautiful girls..."

"Sakuya likes Lindow after all..." Lenka murmured, as if no one could hear.

"Lenka's slow."

"What is it?"

"Umm, nothing!" They all laughed.

| Old City |

Suddenly, Sakuya felt a pain puffing up her chest.

Alisa noticed and asked. "What is it, Sakuya?" "I...(sobs) if ever we find his armlet and God means he was dead..." "Sakuya, I thought--" "No, umm, it's just...(sobs) that... Lindow-- umm Lindow would be happy if we won't cry. S-Sorry I'm just..." "I understand. I'm as fragile as you, Sakuya. My parents died when I was at such a young age..."

The others just looked sad, not wanting to make it worse, Kota grinned and shouted. "Don't worry! I just know Lindow can't die. He's pretty fast, strong and flashy."

"How can being flashy that helpful? Huh?! Idiot." "If ever the Dyaus Pita was a girl it'll be attracted. Duh!"

One hit on his head.

"Really, such an ignorant brat!" Alisa was pretty sarcastic on that, but, true yeah, true.  "Yuu, your girlfriend's gone wild..." Alisa blushed hard again. "Alisa, (smiles) Kota's just being himself and all, you know." She was steaming like hell. "That's kinda insulting you know...but Alisa's so red and speechless HA-HA-HA!" "Cut it out you two! Heehee Soma's also chuckling."

"What do you mean?!" He growled. Probably embarrassed that he cared after all. Kota had a bright idea of teasing."Soma, Soma, Soma! It's ok to confess at times. Especially--"

One punch on his face.

"You guys are so... cruel!!"


"Time out, target is here."

A pitch black monster was just 45 meters away, they leaned on a wall, not wanting to distract it. "I've never fought that monstrous thing yet, so it might be better to see how strong it is..." Yuu said. They listened.

An Ogretail decided to interrupt the Dyaus Pita by roaring at it and taking away the corpse it was eating, pissed, the Dyaus Pita jumped backwards then attacked using some kind of divine ball , which immediately killed the Ogretail.

"A-Amazing...b-be careful guys, I guess we should avoid his divine balls and strikes or we'll be dead meat in no time."

Its eyes are red, its face resembles a demon from hell itself, a terrible opponent to battle with.

Without the permission of their leader, Soma had attacked the Dyaus Pita. "Moron!" Kota who was annoyed by his recklessness, backed up Soma.  Soma used his buster's crash on the face of the monster, he dealt a great blow, but for now it is useless.

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