Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

The claiming, animal nature of the kiss brought out that inner wild side Jane had felt stirring when Silvio had grabbed her and pinned her body beneath his.

He pushed her thighs apart with his free hand, and he was met with absolutely no resistance from Jane.

She allowed it. She moaned when he settled between her legs and she felt the firm press of his cock through his suit pants.

The material of her yellow and black dress suddenly felt too thin, and yet at the same time, as though it was doing too much to separate them.

Jane managed to wiggle one of her hands free. She reached for the back of his head, threading her fingers through his perfectly done hair. She took as much pleasure in gripping the strands tightly, ruining what had been a pristine style, not a hair out of place, as she did with the kiss itself.

His tongue darted out, licking the crease of her lips. The immediate heated sizzle that brought on was enough to make her open her mouth for him in an instant, wanting him, needing him.

She moaned when the warm slide of his tongue pushed deep into her mouth.

Not without purpose, though. The writer side of Jane's brain couldn't help but try to map out everything he was doing to her, even as it felt so good she could hardly bring herself to focus.

He licked against her tongue fluidly, as though he was...apologizing. Or possibly even soothing a wound. Petting an angry animal.

He was also encouraging her to participate. She could feel it in the way his tongue side against hers, pulled back, and then slid forward again.

She took the hint, and the buzzing in her belly ballooned outward when she did.

Jane had never thought she was a good kisser. One man once before even flat out told her that she wasn't.

For a romance writer.

His words.

Silvio had always known that she'd needed a little coaxing. He'd always been patient with her. Jane wasn't a virgin, but he knew that when Jane got into these moods, he had to work to bring out this other side to her.

And he always worked so hard. And so well. Of course she responded to him.

In fact, when it clicked, it really clicked. As though the caged animal was finally being set free, Jane stopped gripping Silvio's hair so tightly as she reached out for his other hand. The one he'd been using to steady his weight with. Jane took him by the wrist and brought his hand to her breast.

He took it from there, their mouths parting as he chuckled, squeezing her breast tightly before he toyed with her nipple.

Through the lace of her bra and the material of the dress itself, that was more than possible. She felt as though she was about to pop out of her dress.

Silvio's words rasped as he spoke. These were the harsh sounds she wanted in her ear. At least this was pleasurable to listen to. "I should have finished this before going to that damned restaurant."

He released the one wrist he still had pinned above Jane's head and swiftly lifted her gown around her hips, exposing her thighs and waist.

She smiled at him, feeling her confidence rise as the heat in her belly continued to swirl. "Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Next time, don't chicken out on me."

Silvio tensed immediately, and Jane was left with the shocking idea that she might have pushed him a little too far, especially after their argument.

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