Chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Jane pulled out her phone from her pocket the instant she was inside one of the limos. She brought Sugar in with her, who seemed confused and a little scared to be brought into the back of a car she didn't recognize.

She sniffed around the door of the limo for a while before Jane could get her in, searching for the meaning behind this enclosed space her owner wanted her to hop into.

Jane wished she could have had more patience with her dog, but at the moment, it wasn't at all possible.

Not when Jane herself was terrified that some crazy person was going to pop out from any random corner and grab her.

"Sugar! Inside! Now!"

The dog whined, and Jane felt bad, but she wasn't able to hug and kiss Sugar's muzzle until they were both safely locked inside.

Luckily, Sugar responded quickly to the sharp command, hopping into the back with her, allowing Jane to close and lock the door.

"I'm sorry girl, I'm sorry," Jane said, but then proceeded to ignore her dog's whining and confused cries as she texted Derrick, letting him know she was all right.

He didn't text her back. Maybe that was a good thing. If he was slinking around the halls, searching for Isla, then she didn't want him distracted by answering texts.

And what if he forgot to turn off his notifications and buzzer? That could make him a target for whoever he was hunting.

Jane stopped herself before she could shoot off another one to him. She looked at Sugar, who was panting and still crying.

"Don't want to make his phone buzz anymore than it already does, do I?"

Sugar cocked her head at her.

It occurred to Jane that her dog might think they were in the limo because Jane was about to drive her back to the previous owner.

She'd have to make it up to Sugar later, right now, Jane pushed herself to the front of the limo. She made sure all doors were locked and searched for the keys, checking the glove compartment and above her head. All the stereotypical spots.

Not there.


Jane jumped, screaming just a little when her phone rang.

Sugar barked. The combined sounds made her inner ear rattle, but Jane exhaled hard at the sight of Silvio's name. Relieved.

She brought the phone to her ear.

"I'm all right. I'm fine," she said before he got the chance to say anything else.

Silvio sounded furious. She'd never heard his voice so gruff. "Where are you? Right now. Tell me everything."

"I'm fine. Sugar is with me. We're in the garage."

"Good. Get the keys out of the lockbox on the wall and get out of there."

"Lockbox on the wall, lockbox on the wall," Jane looked around, searching for it, but she couldn't see it from her vantage point.

"Tell me you know where it is," Silvio said, groaning. There was nothing playful in his voice. He sounded more stressed than she'd ever heard him.

"Derrick always did the driving. I never had to grab the keys before. Your garage is huge." She looked around. There were not only the garage doors, but also three sets of doors, leading into the main home, one led to the foyer, the other in the middle of the back wall that led closer to the kitchen, and the third door that was closest to the sun room.

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