Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

Jane would be lying if she didn't admit that Silvio's stubbornness wasn't getting to her.

In the days since Sugar came into the house, Jane had tried a couple of schemes, many of them embarrassing, to try to get him to admit that he might have feelings for her that were stronger than a hard like.

He seemed to be pulling away from her, however. Jane couldn't figure out if it was because he was worried about her stalker, or that he didn't want her to get the wrong impression about what this was.

They were supposed to be playing out a fantasy, after all, nothing more.

In those days, Jane's confidence in her own safety began to grow.

She hadn't received a call in a while, and whenever she was not with Silvio, he was with Derrick working on security measures, as well as making sure the police never forgot about her case.

Jane wasn't entirely sure what they were doing to keep that engine greased, but she imagined being a mega rich billionaire meant a whole slew of people took Silvio's concerns seriously.

Either way, it was beautiful outside, and Jane didn't want to be cooped up anymore. Not with that enormous back lawn and garden begging for Jane to explore.

"Come on, Sugar. Time for your walk."

The big animal immediately rose from her bed, a dog smile on her face as Jane went downstairs, leash in hand.

Silvio was in the office today. Jane had full access to his house, and his office when he wasn't using it. And when he was.

She drooled over the polished mahogany desk he'd given to her for her writing almost as much as she drooled over Silvio's perfect body, but even Jane needed to rest her wrists from time to time.

From the typing.

And the way Silvio tied her hands during their last round of sex.

That had been amazingly erotic, and she was so using that in her next book. The details and sensations were too much for her to not use them in one of her love scenes.

Not that she was going to ever tell Silvio about that.

Even though she was allowed in his office when he was using it, she didn't want to disturb him. Not when he was pulling away from her.

But how could she blame him for that when the thing he was getting wrapped up in could potentially catch her stalker? How selfish would she have to be to guilt him for not paying as much attention to her as she would like when he was trying to keep her safe?

Jane clipped Sugar's leash, more and more confidant the dog wasn't going to drag her across the lawn as they went outside.

Sugar was surprisingly gentle. Jane knew that most of the things she'd heard about big dogs were myths, and Sugar had gone through training before Silvio purchased her, but it was still nice to feel confidant while walking with her.

Silvio had muttered something about maybe needing a second dog since Sugar was looking to be a companion animal, but Jane didn't think two dogs were necessary.

Anyone who tried walking up to her and talking to her while she had a creature that weighed more than Jane did in muscle alone would have to be crazy.

And she didn't want to pick up the poops of two big dogs either.

There was a path around the property made up of perfectly sculpted round stones with smaller stones at the edges, and then tiny flowers growing outside of them. It was fenced in with a tall black gate, and the flowers weren't so common so far out from the main house that she had to worry about Sugar stomping through them with her heavy paws.

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