Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Silvio actually got her a dog. Jane couldn't believe it. It was huge. Some kind of bull mastiff. It's shoulder length was almost the same as Silvio's, who stood next to it, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, of all things.

He looked like someone she would run across in the park, jogging with his pet.

The gorgeous, sensitive dog lover. That was the vibe she got just by looking at him.

Jane couldn't remember the last time she'd ever seen him so casual. There was nothing wrong with the look, far from it.

It made him look so much sexier than if he'd been wearing his standard formal clothes.

Jane had to shake the thought from her head. There was a trainer here, and now was not the time for her to be letting her bad thoughts get the best of her.

Maybe he didn't want to get slobber all over a ten thousand dollar suit when he went to pick the animal up.

It had only been yesterday when the police had been here asking their questions after her frightening phone call with Isla. Silvio sure worked fast.

"This should do it," Silvio said, smiling proudly down at the proud animal sitting next to him. He held the leash loosely, as though confidant such a huge creature wouldn't just jump up onto him and eat his face.

No, that wasn't fair. Jane watched enough dog and cat videos on Youtube to know big dogs weren't necessarily vicious.

Except that Silvio had purchased this dog very specifically to act vicious around a certain someone.

Someone they didn't even know yet.

Suddenly, Silvio's sexy body wasn't enough of a distraction. "Uh, are you sure about this?"

Jane's heart beat erratically as she looked at the animal.

It was just so big. It might weigh as much as she did.

Silvio nodded, turning to the trainer in the red coat.

The young man took the leash and clicked his tongue. He walked over to Jane.

"Hold your hand out. It's all right, let her have a sniff."

Jane did, though she nearly yanked her hand back when that short muzzle inched forward, and the wet nose touched her hand.

She studied the animal's body. It was all muscle beneath a short coat of brown fur.

Okay. This might not be so bad. Just because it looked as though it would be taller than she was if it tried to jump onto her didn't mean she had anything to worry about.

She could even use this as a form of research. The last dog she'd had died when she was twelve. And it had been small. Not teacup sized or anything, but it might as well have been in comparison to what she was looking at now.

"She is very docile when it comes down to it. I can see the way your body is tensing. You don't have to do that, especially around her. You are the human, she is the dog, you are in command and she is not. Just remember that."

Jane nodded, though she didn't understand how she was supposed to force herself to feel any confidence. "Right."

The trainer had her get down to be just slightly above eye level of the dog. Coming down to her level while not putting herself beneath her.

"What's her name?"


Jane looked to Silvio. He shrugged.

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