Stuck in the Friend Zone

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Has anyone ever liked your friend but they didn't know? Well, it's depressing how many people actually are, but they won't admit their feelings to others around them because they don't trust them. The difference between me and those people is that every one of my friends and family members knows what I'm going through, everyone but my friend Jake. 

Jake and I go way back, all the way to first grade was when we first interacted. I was wearing a pink dress and some white sneakers, the kind of outfit mothers got for their daughters at Target in the Girls' section. He was wearing a Star Wars shirt with small black ripped jeans and Vans. He was fashionable since day one in my opinion. 

I didn't know that I was crushing on him at first, and not until Freshman year of High School did I notice my feelings for him were more than a regular best friend would have. At that point, I realized he was the only boy since the very beginning that was always there for me, and respected me for who I truly was. But I didn't stand a chance in in this love game of High School. he was probably the most popular boy since the first day when he walked through the doors of his first-period classroom and sat in front of me. Sometimes I would blackout of the lesson and stare at him, but it usually didn't matter because I'm an A student so whenever the teacher calls on me I can answer the problem, once I discover which problem we're on of course. 

Now that flash-back time is over, its time to head back to the actual grade I'm in. I'm a Senior with Jake at Granite Hills High School. On the football field, we're commonly known as GHHS though, and everyone at school just calls us Granite. That's why the mascot is a fox who's always sporting the color salmon pink. 

Jake is a wide receiver on the team, and that is one of the reasons he is so popular. I always thought he would end up with a cheerleader now, but he claims he hasn't found the one yet, which is another reason I love him. He's not cliche. I wish I could tell him I'm the perfect person, but for now, I just smile and pretend that I want to be just friends. One day I'll tell him my feelings, but if everything goes wrong, I'll be stuck in the friend zone forever. 

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