Figuring Things Out

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It's been a few months and Jake and Emily's relationship status has not changed, neither has Tyler and I's. Kendra and Jasper and openly dating as well, and even Mia found someone and moved on. She met a handsome nerd named Joshua, and he was the team captain for the Mathletes of Granite, which was odd since Mia herself was struggling in the subject. At least she had a free tutor now.

To be honest, I don't know if I have feelings for Jake still. I do know that I have feelings for Tyler, and they're a lot more obvious and consistent than Jake's. I also know that I don't have a shot with Jake and I needed to let him go if I did still like him. I had a loyal boyfriend who protects me, is smart, strong, and always knows what to say, so I should forget Jake. Besides, it's not like Emily's leaving him anytime soon. Since I don't know where my feelings will lead me now, I felt the need to confront Mia and ask her how she let Jake go. Was it easy? There was only one way to find out.


The smell of peppermint mocha was strong as I sat with Mia at Starbucks. That was the hit place to hang out for all teenage girls at GHHS, and it was probably popular with other students and citizens. I knew this since the Starbucks we went too was very busy and we were lucky just to get two seats. I didn't know what would happen if the whole group went here, we maybe would've stood the whole time, which wouldn't be very enjoyable. The orders took a while to arrive, but the taste of iced peppermint mocha in my mouth was worth the wait. Mia herself ordered a black and white mocha frappuccino that also looked equally delicious.

"So, what's up?" She asked me after she took a sip of her drink.

"Well," I began. "I have a question I need to ask,"

"If it's about math then you shouldn't ask me, but I have Joshua on speed dial if you need assistance,"

"Oh, no thank you I actually need help about a personal problem, not tutoring,"

"Oh," Mia said. "Well, shoot,"
"I don't think I'm over Jake yet, do you have any suggestions?" I got right to the point.

"Well, there are some factors I realized about him that helped me get over him. But I'm sorry in advance if I get emotional, this is a pretty sensitive topic for me. But since you're my friend, I'll be happy to share with you some strategies,"

"Okay, thanks. What were those factors?"

"Well A: he's taken. B: his relationship status isn't on the rocks. C: he's obviously in love. D: there's another boy that appreciates you and is there for you. Also, I don't think this is only about your crush on him before Tyler,"
"What do you mean?" I asked with a bit of confusion in my voice.

"I think you also miss his friendship," Mia said her point.

"How so? We're friends again. With your advice, we made up," I contradicted.

"Yeah, but your guys' relationship isn't the same ever since Emily came. I think you just want the same friendship you guys had before his girlfriend." Mia explained.

"Huh, you are right Mia. Thanks for helping me with this whole Jake thing. I need to head home and do my homework. Text you later?"

"Yes, sure thing. Joshua and I actually have math homework we need to attend to," She said proudly. "Bye!" Mia then took her frappuccino and strolled to the exit on the right, whistling and smiling. She was probably excited that she was going to hang out with Joshua soon. He really did make her happy.
"See ya," I called to her, but the music and the crowd talking around us drowned out my voice.

Mia was right, I did miss Jake and me before Emily. We were so happy before she came along. However, I shouldn't have focused my anger on him when she became his girlfriend since he didn't know I would be jealous because I never confessed my true feelings to him. He was probably missing our old friends too, and he didn't deserve to get this awkward relationship with me since in his mind he did nothing wrong. I knew I may never get over my feelings with Jake, but treating him better as a friend was going to help a lot. As long as I acted like everything was normal and he did the same, it would return to normal eventually, right?

Only Time Will TellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora