Bike Racks

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Tyler and I have been walking together throughout the hallways, and I agreed to this motion because I feel safe in his arms. He also helps me escape all of the drama, confusion, and plain absurdity of High School. Sure, he'll never be like Jake, but he is a wonderful person.
Everyone has been assuming that we have been dating now, and it's been pretty obvious due to our actions lately. We hold hands, talk to each other more, laugh together, and even kiss in the halls. Tyler has really made me feel like a someone, not a nobody like Emily can make me feel at times.

The best part of this whole new ordeal is that no more boys ask me out anymore. As you have guessed, I decline all of them, but for some reason, they keep on coming back for more. I thought they would go after girls like Emily or Kendra, but I'm also wanted too for some weird reason. Now I don't have to say no to anyone anymore, because the question hasn't arisen in a long time. I used to go home feeling bad for the people, but now I think that they must not want me, the doors have closed. At least, that's what I assumed. Little did I know a few boys were very persistent.

Every day, the same five boys wink at me in the hallway, and I've gotten to the point of ignoring them and they're not much of a bother. Of course, they're all seniors, and I bet that everyone else has rejected them. The first boy's name is Justin, and he is the player of the school. He wears a thick leather jacket like in the movies and wears shades, even in class. He knows that he has to take them off indoors, yet every day he gets the same speech by Ms, Madrozein about how disrespectful sunglasses inside are. He has wavy blonde hair heavily gelled to the point of slickness, and a tan that says, I go to the beach every weekend. The reason all girls reject him is that he always blows us off, and since he's done this to many of us, his reputation spread very quickly.

The second boy's name is Liam, and he attempts to follow Justin's footsteps, but in his own style. He always wears faded band t-shirts and ripped jeans with purple or yellow aviators. He skates boards everywhere, and if he was allowed to, he would skateboard to classes. This causes his brown curly hair to appear as what I call "helmet style" as it sticks up and goes all over the place. I bet I'm not the only girl he winks to after school, and he's desperate to get any girl's attention.

Henry doesn't really fit in with the group, but he still remains a valued member. He is what girls call "The Cute Nerd" with a perfectly rounded face and square glasses. His muscles bulge out of his patterned shirts and he almost has the same gym schedule as Tyler, except on Friday's he goes to the mathlete meetings after school. He is the know it all in class, and all of the other girls have been crushing on him for a while. But I on the other hand always liked someone else, and if you have been reading this story, you know who I'm talking about.

The last two are Hawaiian twins, and they both love to play softball. They come to school wearing shirts of Softball tournaments and tiny gold chain necklaces. They love any old pair of light blue jeans and fancy Vans as their shoes. I can't tell them apart since they're identical, and only a few students can tell who's Ryan and who's Brian. That led girls to believe that they switch girls at times and no one could tell. Proof of this came from Emily herself. She claims that one night she was on a date with Ryan at Starbucks and the other she was holding hands with Brian on the pier. Their secret gave way when "Ryan" had to take a phone call and went behind a stone monument. Emily swore she hear him say, "This is Brian Kalani," and that was the end of their relationships.

The five boys kept up their habits today when I was walking past them to go to my locker.

"Hey Jade," Justin said and all boys winked at me, almost simultaneously.

I also continued my streak of ignoring them when Henry stuck his hand out and stopped me in my tracks.
"Heard you've been dating Tyler," He said with a tinge of jealousy in his voice.

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