Extra! Extra!

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I second I walked into school I got bombarded by questions, many asking about last night.

"How did it feel?" Some senior girl asked.

"Did you kiss him back?"A boy who was in the same science class as I asked.

I had no idea what to say, what to reply, or where to go. I knew that if I left they would follow me, or I would be put into another question rally with other students in the hallway. I had no idea how the news had spread so quickly, and I didn't know how popular Tyler was until now. Soon a growing circle formed around me, mostly classmates and some students I never saw before were asking me about last night.

"Do you like him back?"
"Did you know he liked you before this?"
"Are you guys a thing?"

"Should I ship this?"
"STOP!" I heard a strong firm voice coming from the school entrance.

The crowd and I turned around as Tyler came in and rushed towards us. He must have seen me in the center of the crowd and had rushed to my aid as soon as he could.
"Ooh, the handsome prince has come to retrieve the princess!"
"You read way too many fairy tales,"
"Girl you need a life,"

"Shut up guys it was just a comment!"
"You should say shut up to everyone Tyler and show Jade how strong you are,"
Tyler and I shared an awkward gaze until he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them. We ran down the hall as quickly as we could, and the crowd was following us close behind. I picked a really bad day to wear my UGG boots I realized, they were catching up fast.

"I know of a classroom we could go to!" He yelled in my ear as we turned a corner in the halls.

"Where?" I asked, desperate to get away from all of the questions that were swirling around my head.

"My Math teacher!"
"We have the same one!" I said frantically.

"Oh yeah, Ms. Madrozein right?"
Tyler opened up the door and pulled us into my second period. We turned around and saw Ms. Madrozein staring at us with fretful eyes and a grim look on her face. The crowd has deformed outside knowing that they weren't allowed to stampede in there without a reason. Speaking of reasons, Tyler and I had to think of one quickly or we might get in trouble.
"Hello, I need help with my homework from last night," I said, panting a little after the chase.

"Oh, sure," She said kindly as we walked over to her desk.
"Wait, what is he doing in here?" She took her eyes off of me and turned her head to face Tyler.

"Remember Tyler? You need help with number 12!" I said nervously.

"Oh, yeah!" Tyler chimed in.

"Okay well don't be afraid of me young man," Ms. Madrozein said as we all lightly chuckled.
Ms. Madrozein waiting patiently as Tyler and I took out our worksheets from our folders in our backpacks. One at a time we each showed her the problem and acted confused although, in my opinion, this was the easiest worksheet she had given all year. When she was done answering Tyler's last question about number twelve, we thanked her and put our worksheets back in our backpacks. We then headed out and to our luck, the crowd was not waiting for us in the F wing.
"That was close," I said.

"Agreed," Tyler said sounding more relaxed after the confrontation with our teacher.
"This isn't going to stop, they're just going to do the same thing at lunch and recess," I said with stress in my voice. This crowd was causing my brain to spin and I badly wanted the thoughts to disappear.
"I'll make sure you don't get asked anything else,"
"Thanks," I said. The protection from Tyler would make my life a lot easier, and although things were still a little awkward between us, his help was a lot better than none.

When recess finally came, I tried to avoid everyone by sitting in the least populated area. I didn't want to face Kendra, Emily, or Jake today. I just wanted to be alone. But I realized that was impossible as I noticed Kendra walk up with a vlogging camera.
"Here we have Jade, everyone! I took a long time to find her but now it's finally time for the three question interview! Piye!"
"Uh Kendra, can you leave?"
"My Kans need to hear this?"

"Kendra fans, duh!"

I sighed as she pointed the camera at me. If I ran away then she would catch it on camera and probably say something like "Ooh secret love!" I reluctantly stayed sitting on the bench secretly begging under my breath for Tyler to fulfill his promise.

"So, first question!" Kendra said excitedly. It sounded like she was more excited about the topic than her viewers if she had any.

"Do you like Tyler?"
"Uhh," I was trying to stall so he could come and save me but it looks like my secret spot was a little too secretive for him. "I don't know anymore," My feelings became whack ever since the kiss.
"Okay, second question! EEK!" The camera was shaking because Kendra was overexcited. "What did you two do?"
I was trying as best as I could not tell her the details, I thought I would put the kiss out of the equation for now. "We watched a movie,"
"Okay, last question, damn it." Kendra looked sad that her interview time was almost finished, but she smiled at her viewers. "Did you kiss?"
If I didn't tell Kendra, I couldn't keep it a secret for much longer, besides, Tyler probably already bragged to his friends about our moment so what could I lose? I was about to say yes when the camera got taken out of Kendra's hands. The robber shut off the lens and ran away down the E wing.
"Hey come back! My daddy can sue you!" Kendra shrieked.

Just as the robber was about to turn the corner he turned around and smiled. I could tell who it was by his eyes, it was Jasper who had come to the rescue. I turned around and saw Kendra sniffling on the bench and a grim look appeared on her face. She was so involved in thinking about what to do next she mustn't have noticed Jasper's grin.

"I'm sorry Kendra," I said with fake sympathy.

"The thief better show his/her face soon, or all hell will break loose," She said as she faced the other way.

I knew that Kendra's father was a successful lawyer and he solved cases like these all of the time. Knowing that he would step up his act for his own daughter, there was no telling how much longer Jasper could keep the camera or the fact that he had it from Kendra. 

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