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Jake here. Emily had invited me over to her house, which was very odd. Why would her parents allow me to come over, after all that happened? I just hoped no feud would occur between me and them, it would be unnecessary and unfair for Emily to go through. Besides, I didn't really have the energy to fight with two grown adults right now, Thursday's football practices were always the most tiring.

The coach had insisted we do conditioning before the big game tomorrow since our Defensive Line was out of shape. Although I myself was fit, the coach insisted the whole team did everything together, no matter who the torture or drill was meant for. My legs ached and there was still sweat on my forehead, which was saying a lot due to the cold Winter weather GHHS had to go through in this season.

I kept my eyes on the road, however, I wasn't mainly focusing on driving to Emily's house. I was deathly worried about what she was going to say. My thought process was that if she was mad at me, her parents would be even madder. As I parked my car in the driveway next to a huge blue minivan, sweat was coming down my forehead, and it wasn't from the conditioning.

The doorbell echoed throughout the household, it was a series of four chimes, and pause, then another four chimes. It would've been impossible for them not to hear that, but no one answered right away. Was this a dare to prank me? I waited for another minute then began to walk down the concrete walkway in defeat. I was almost to the driveway when I heard the door swing open, and Emily came running out, in tears. I turned around and we hugged, some of her tears falling onto my shoulders.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked in confusion, what could be so wrong with us that Emily would cry at the entrance?

She pulled away from me and motioned for me to come inside. As she wiped tears from her face, I took a seat on her living room couch which was made of brown leather and sunk into my portion of it. Sitting next to me were Emily's parents, with somber looks on their faces. Something must be really up if it's involving Emily's mother and father. Were they all going to tell me that Emily was too good for me? Would today be the day that my fantasy would end at last? I didn't want to leave her, or for her to leave me.

"If this is about what I did recently I'm so sorry and I hope that I could keep being with your daughter," I said as politely as I could.

"That's not the case Jake," Her mother said. She was wearing a black women's pantsuit as if she had just returned from work and hadn't gotten a chance to change yet. Emily's father was also dressed formally, with a navy blue suit and dress pants followed by a glossy red tie that was neatly around his neck. He decided to grow out his beard, leaving his chin covered with curly blonde facial hair.

"Jake, it's something much more...painful," He said in a deep manly voice.

I was dying to know what was going on, but I said nothing. I respectfully nodded slowly and kept my mouth shut.

"Jake," Emily said breaking the sea of silence between us.

The next words she said were shocking, they would change my way of life for an extremely long time, I didn't know how much I needed her until the next part of my life began, and this was the start of a cruel stage that was unbearable and impossible to escape.

"I'm m-moving," She said struggling to keep her voice clear.

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