The Start of a Terrible Stage

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Friday night is the best night ever in my opinion. That's when all of the popular kids would throw parties and I would usually get invited to most of them. Jake was always the one to inform me, especially when one of his friends was the host. He would usually tell me right after school via phone, so I wasn't surprised when I received a text from him.

There's a sick party tonight at Jasper's house at 6. Are you coming?

Yes, I'll be there.

It was the truth that most seniors received homework on the weekends, and it was also true that most of them would procrastinate and do their work after the party. But my mom was super strict about my work ethics, so I had to start once I stepped foot in the front door.

I completed all of my homework at 5:30, which left me plenty of time to get ready. I needed to impress Jake tonight, maybe tonight would be the night when we kiss. I couldn't blow it and go with the casual look. I had to pick a nice dress. After twenty minutes I finally decided on a black dress with spaghetti straps and black sandals. I decided to go with a smooth natural look for my makeup, and I left the door at 6:00. I know I was running late, but I like to arrive "fashionably late" which is fifteen minutes.

My car was not the fanciest in the school parking lot. It was a white stained Toyota with some rust patches on the back. I had to pay for it with some help from my parents, so I didn't have a huge budget. I got the money while helping to tutor teens who went to Middle School. My favorite grade were the sixth graders, they didn't talk back as much as the seventh and eighth. They thought they were on top of the world and they didn't need to know math. Little did they know most of the jobs in this community involve basic math skills, and most of the kids I tutor don't even have those. I sometimes helped with English as well if I needed the extra cash. All tutoring sessions would be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school at my house. The parents trusted me with their kid's safety and their grades, so I never got any complaints. Even if I did get complaints, the fifteen bucks an hour would make me feel better.

I pulled up to Jasper's house at 6:13, and the door was open revealing a hallway with a few seniors talking. I brushed past them and walked into the main room to find about forty seniors all looking like they were having a great time. As I walked through the crowd to try and find Jake, many heads turned as I glanced at me in shock. At school, I wore tank tops, shirts, and jeans so when I entered wearing a dress the guests couldn't have expected it.

"Hey, Jade!" Jasper called as I almost banged into him, "You look smoking tonight,"

"Thanks," I replied wearily, "Do you know where Jake is?"

"He's in the family room playing a group game," Jasper had to yell just so I could hear him.

"Okay, thanks," I said as I turned around and headed up the stairway to the family room.

Jasper's parents were very rich, so they had a huge two-story house followed by an amazing green backyard and an old-fashioned deck. He would usually hire a Dj and put him on the deck and open the door so people outside could hear him inside as well. Jasper wasn't that bad with music so sometimes he Djed his own parties. The first floor contained the main room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a hallway leading to the main room. The second story contained three bedrooms, Jaspers, his parent's, and a guest bedroom. That was usually where the students would go to make out. Near the left side of the house was a family room, a small but cozy room containing a brick fireplace, two black leather couches, and a huge flatscreen Tv.
When I arrived at the room, I saw Jake, some other popular boys and ten girls all huddled in a circle. I took a seat next to Jake on the leather couch and he greeted me.

"Nice dress Jade," Jake said.

"Thanks. What game are we playing?" I asked curiously, blushing a little at Jake's comment.

"We're playing spin the bottle!" Kendra said happily and she motioned to a small black painted closet near the doorway, "Two people go in there and ask questions to each other, usually a boy and a girl."

"I think she knows that," Emily said chuckling a little, she sat next to Jake as well.

"Okay, so who should we choose for the boy?" Dimitri asked right across from me.

"JAKE! JAKE! JAKE!" Tyler said from across the room. He was listening to the conversation and had just entered.

A few other boys joined the chant, it was pretty obvious who the boy was going to be. In case you're lost with the characters, Tyler is a Korean boy with spiky black hair and a very symmetrical face. Kendra had pimples on her pale skin followed by brown hair and icy blue eyes, sorta like Jake's. In my opinion, Jake's eyes look like the ocean. Dimitri is Indian and wears a hijab so a few people have seen her hair before. They all began chanting Jake's name like their life depended on it.

"Okay, okay," Jake said with a grin.

"I'll spin the bottle," Kendra said.

In the middle of the coffee table lay an empty soda can that probably had just been finished a few minutes ago by one of the guests. When Kendra spun it, some Coke drops went onto the table. She carefully wiped them off with a paper napkin as the bottle continued spinning at a surprising speed.

"Ooh, it landed on Emily!" Kendra said excitedly.

I had wished that it landed on me, but I couldn't change my fate. Emily and Jake sat up and walked into the closet, Emily shutting the door behind her. I just realized that if they made a connection in there, they could potentially become a couple! I barely knew Emily other than the fact that she was the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad, but now a stranger was about to become my worst enemy.

"Your seven minutes!"

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