Gossip Circle

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OMG, guess who's back? It's Kendra! Adoring fans now is the time to bow. Oh please, don't cry, unless they're tears of joy. All of you will be tagged on one of my Instagrams posts soon enough so hush.

Everyone at school has heard about Tyler and Jade's little date, and guess who did the honors of spreading the news? Obviously me! The only problem is that Jade insists they're nothing special. Tyler says otherwise. He says that we may begin making ship names such as "Jyler" and "Tade", and everyone in my homeroom has been talking about the arising "couple". I love joining in on the fun, but I know that Jade may not like Tyler back and want to remain friends. Tyler said the first kiss was an epic fail on his part because Jade wasn't ready. But so far I've gotten no intel on their little trip to Justin's, so every classmate is remaining on edge until further details.

In other news, Jemily is remaining strong even after the accident. The parents have prohibited them from meeting or making any contact whatsoever but they still date in secret, trying to keep their relationship thriving. I do agree they look perfect together but Emily should get her hands off my Jakey! My checklist still hasn't been completed and it looks like I might as well throw it way because of her actions.

Before the whole Tade and Jemily mishap, everyone I knew understood that Jade also wanted a piece of Jake. However, no one knew if Jake felt the same way. Some girls I talked to felt bad for Jade that Jemily arose, but I say she didn't deserve him in the first place. She is in the middle of the food chain here at Granite, and Jake deserves to be with someone at the top, like me! I've talked to all of this to my mom, and she tells me to find another boy, but she doesn't understand Jake's talents like I do.

Only a few girls knew that Mia liked Jake, including me. The reasoning behind that was since Mia is a very quiet person, and tends to keep her personal life, well, personal. She finally butted in and told one girl, and the train began until I got the news from Dimitri. She's one of my closest friends on the cheer squad. Once Dimitri told me the secret, I decided to tell Emily. I don't think she told anybody, but that method seemed to work for her since she beat all competition and got to be with my little Jakey once and for all.

Now, let's push all of the school drama aside and talk about my feelings, shall we? Jasper has been tailing me around drooling ever since freshmen year, and tbh, at points, he has been annoying. He is a great friend and my backup boyfriend if the whole "capturing Jake" thing doesn't work out. He has made me feel like I mattered, and at times he even made me blush. But, he is second on the list, sorry Jaspy.

Sometimes there's so much drama I feel like my head is going to explode! Just when I feel like I am going to lose it, I am put into the center of, like, another gossip circle and focus all of my time and energy on getting the secret to be not so much of a secret anymore. I wish I can fade away at times, but I am at the top of the pyramid, and I'm glad about my position at GHHS, and wouldn't trade it for the world!

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