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What's up readers? Guess who's back, Tyler! I know what you are all thinking, did Tyler just make up the plan so he could be with Jade? Well, we couldn't decide who was going to dance with Jade, so I just volunteered. The reason I volunteered is that of my dream of Jade and I becoming Prom king and queen and dancing together as we looked into each other's eyes and smiled. I know that would never happen, so I tried my best to make it come true.

Everyone in High School knows that I like Jade, even some students who I barely even know walk up to me and tell me they know who I like. High Schoolers are so immature, but they say don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Which is saying that I'm immature as well, so I shouldn't be complaining about other students who share the same traits as me?

Ever since Emily came along, everyone hasn't been at ease lately when Jade and she are together. They're mortal enemies ever since Emily dated Jake. It's so amazing how fast they became enemies, before the seven minutes I didn't think they even knew each other! Now here they are head to head every day, and I could tell that Kendra could sense the tension too.

"No one's at ease here, they should be since they're hanging out with me. They're #Lucky,"
"Well, that's one way of putting it," Jasper replied one day at lunch.

I think Jake has been noticing the sudden spike too. He told me that he wants Jade to hang out with them, but Jade's been acting differently. Once she takes a seat at our table, she sits farthest away from Emily and avoids eye contact with Jake. If I were Jake I'd drop Emily and keep Jade, but he doesn't see Jade the way I see her. Either way, someone will have to go eventually, and no one knows when the first public argument will break out.

In one way Emily has brought us happiness. Now Jade may realize Jake and her aren't meant to be together and my dream can finally come true. I just need to step up my game, so I've been going to the gym more lately. I used to go three times a week, now I go five and my muscles have been improving. The only problem is I can't get Jade to stop paying attention to Jake and start looking at me. I've tried many times to talk with her but Jake's right, she has been distant lately.

I can't decide whether I should welcome Emily or help Jade kick her out. I know that if Emily stays there's a higher chance Jade will notice me, but if she leaves then I would do a major favor for her, Kendra, and Jasper. I just hope that in the end, everything will turn out fine, because everyone knows I don't handle drama well. Most of the time I ignore fights unless they're centered around me. According to my Seventh Grade English teacher, I provide decent counter-arguments, but fist fights are my best option. I think that if Emily and Jade had a huge fight then I would go to Jade's side and talk, not punch anybody.

Another fact about me, I'm good at creating plans for a group to complete. I hope this plan will knock Jade's socks off. If it doesn't, I don't know what will.

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