Well, Ask Away

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Jake's back and I'm ready for the attempt at gaining an old friend again. I've already planned what I am going to say, where I am going to go, and how long it is going to take. So far, it seems like Mia's advice is correct and I just need to confront him. I hope Emily doesn't become too much of a problem for my little plan.

The halls of Granite are always packed, so I knew that asking Jake to talk there would cause a crowd. It seemed that the secret garden would be the best meeting spot and no one would be listening in on the conversation. The reason being so that there is no shade in the garden while at the benches outside of the cafeteria there is a huge overhang to shelter us from the sun. The cafeteria alone is a popular spot, and the benches store other students who didn't get a seat. The halls are crowded as well since most students like to retrieve things from their lockers, eat in a classroom, or gain assistance from a teacher.

It wasn't easy to locate Jake, but I knew he loved the benches so I started my search there. After looking through all of the tables, I finally found him at the bench furthest away from the crowd, sitting near Kendra, Jasper, Tyler, and of course Emily. I walked over to them and they all glanced at me, surprised that I had come to their eating area at all.

"Jake, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked politely, trying to ignore the confused glares and whispers from Kendra.

"Sure, be rack back babe," Jake said to Emily and waved at the group as he followed me.

I was a little bothered by Jake calling Emily "babe" but their little love fest was expected and the least of my concerns right now. I pulled Jake behind a tree trying to hide from a few seniors eating vegetables together and working on their Chromebooks.

"What is it?" Jake asked with a smile. He must have been glad to finally see me.

"Well, I haven't been hanging out with you lately because I don't like Emily,"
"Why?" He tilted his head adorabl. I struggled to say because she's yours and she doesn't deserve you!

"I don't really like her attitude towards me," I pulled out excuse number one.

"Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way,"
"So, I've realized that I just need to ignore Emily, and we can be friends like we used to?" I asked, my heart was thumping in my chest.

"Sure, friends," He said then we hugged.

I was glad that Jake accepted my request because I truly missed him and it taught Emily a lesson, she can't pull Jake away from me that easily. We walked back to the benches and I sat across from him. Emily tried to smile, but inside she looked utterly appalled. Everyone else, however, was happy that I'd returned, and we all had a huge conversation just like we used to. Everyone, even Emily seemed content that day, but little did we know that peace would be unfamiliar to us during this long month.

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