I Wish

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Hey guys, guess who's making their first appearance? Tyler!. I'm not the best at writing so please bear with me for a few paragraphs. As you may already know, Jake is my best friend. We've been buddies since fifth grade, and I think we have one of those friendships that will last until after High School. I think that we'll be sitting outside chatting sharing a cold one while we watch our grandkids play in the backyard.

Now, let's get serious for a second. When Jake first introduced me to Jade, I had no idea what to think of her. Did she like Jake? Were they a thing? I asked them this and they both declined, it's either that they're good liars or they were actually telling the truth. Over the past few years Jake and Jade have grown closer and I've tried to grow closer with Jade, but it can get awkward when I try to talk to her. The reason why is because I like her. She is either completely oblivious to this or she knows but she's been trying to ignore the fact because she likes someone else. I try so hard to get her attention, but it seems like she only stares in Jake's eyes like lovers would do. I wish I could hold her tighter than I've ever held anyone before, and I could kiss her regularly and smell her sweet breath every day. I hope that one day she understands that I'm in love with her, and I've been the person waiting for her all this time. If she's ever my girl, I would watch out for her and always care for her no matter what. Sadly, she doesn't see my aspects, and my dreams may never come true.

Hey guys, it's Jake here. I've never been more in love in my life. Emily is perfect. But lately Jade hasn't been talking to me as much lately. I believe I've found the love of my life, but I've lost my best friend. I guess fairy tales are correct, everything comes with a price. I don't want to make a decision between them. If you were in this position, would you risk it all for love? I wish I can have both, and everything could return to normal with Jade and me.

Oh, my god, the wait is finally over! Now it's #KendraTime! Hello adoring fans of Kendra, what you've been waiting for is here! I know the rest of the book was extremely boring, do you know how I know? I know because I didn't write it, duh! You don't need good grades in English to be a writer, you just gotta be savage like me. But here's the thing. I have a list of things to complete before the end of Highschool, and I'm almost done with it. The last action I need to check off is to kiss Jake. He's the most popular guy in school, and my social status would go off the charts! I wish he would see me like he sees Emily, which is obviously the love of his life. Maybe he's chasing after Emily because she's the Captain of the cheerleading team. I'm co-captain, so I just need to work really hard out there and once Emily gets degraded, Jake will finally see me as who I am, the best girl in school! Maybe even the best girl in America!

Hi, my name is Mia. I haven't really been mentioned much in this book, and that's because Jade and I aren't really friends. The only reason we are even connected is that we share one thing in common, we both like Jake. Jade knows that I know her secret, and she's trusting me with it for the rest of High School. I don't want to appear as a jerk to Jake, so her secret is safe with me. The only real problem is Emily. She's the perfect girl in his eyes. Whatever happens, I agreed with myself that I would never change my true self for a guy, and so far I've stuck to that promise. I wish Jake would like me for who I truly am.

Hey guys. Jade here. I have no idea what I'm going to do with Emily, but I need to think of something and fast. I think she knows that I like Jake, and she's been purposely making plans with Jake without me. I don't understand how Jake doesn't realize he's being taken away from me. I don't really know if Jake cares about me anymore. He's been distant lately, and so am I because I have no idea what to say anymore. Sometimes I wish the world around me would turn into the cheery world of Elementary School. Jake and I were really close then, and we had no problems. My parents said that when I would go to High School, Jake may meet new people and I would have to try to adjust to their presence and their position in his life. It's terrible that I have to keep my love for him behind closed doors.

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