Chapter Three

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They had all made it back to the burrow safely and May had talked with her mother for hours, about the family, her job, her students and any other topic the two women could think of, but it had to end. 

Everyone was standing in front of the fireplace where May stood with a handful of flue powder, she stood in one of her many professor's uniforms which consisted of a pink dress and a black cape and she was ready to leave. May hated having a set wardrobe as a professor but it wasn't her choice. Most of the dresses were bright colours and she wasn't able to accessories that much which meant sometimes she looked like a pink marshmallow. 

"I'll see you soon," May said as she looked at her crying mother, it was always upsetting for her to see her children go even if they were coming back. May dropped the flue powder and shouted "Beauxbatons Academy of Magic" and with a puff of smoke, she had gone. 

Mrs Weasley pulled herself together quickly but her eyes were red from crying and smiled at the other children "right are you all packed..."

May Weasley stepped out of her office fireplace with a smile on her face, the office was a large place with white and black furniture, a door in the far left corner led to her personal classroom where she taught défense contre les arts sombres, another door on the far right that led to the long hallways and one last door which led to her quarters. May smiled as she looked around the office, she was back.

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