Chapter Thirty-Six

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May Weasley sat reading a book, her summer had been fairly boring: she had been rehired by Dumbledore, she had helped Fred and George open their joke shop and she had helped around the house. 

Of cause May had been reading, muggle books and wizarding books, and any type of books she could get her hands on. Mrs Weasley had been worried about her oldest child, May never talked about the death of Sirius Black. 

On one hand, Mrs Weasley wanted May to go back to Hogwarts to make her herself again but on the other hand Mrs Weasley wanted to be there for her daughter to help her when she needed it and she wouldn't be able to do that if May was at Hogwarts. 

May wanted to forget. 

She wanted to forget that she saw Sirius die, right in front of her and she thought that she could have stopped it. May blamed herself but she didn't tell anyone she felt that way. May had watched many people die in front of her since the rise of Voldemort and she blamed herself for every... single... one.

As May turned the page of the book she looked up and saw Hedwig and Harry's trunk in front of her, Ginny began to shout up the house to everyone to see where Harry was and May smiled when she saw Harry walk through the front door. May gracefully stood up and walked towards the boy and wrapped her arms around him and said into his ear, "I told you we would see each other again."

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