Chapter Thirty-One

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May and Darnia stood facing each other, the blonde had picked up her wand and placed it in her pocket and was about to leave when Sirius and Harry came bursting in the door. Darnia disappeared in a flash of black smoke and left May to stare in the spot where she once stood. 

Sirius looked at May and asked, "are you alright?" but she didn't answer, she was too busy staring at the bracelet that Darnia had pointed out. She had never forgotten. She had never forgotten about Darnia and the pain she caused but most of all she had never forgotten they were friends before enemies. May had never forgotten about Norman. May had never forgotten about Cora. May had never forgotten about Darnia. And she hated herself for it. 

May wished she could forget.

As she stared her mind raced with memories but one stood out.

It was a cold evening and May was walking through the corridors when she heard screams, the young Weasley raced forwards but came to an abrupt stop when she turned the corner and saw a figure dressed in black standing over two bodies and not just any bodies, the bodies of May's best friends.

Norman lay with his eyes wide open blood pouring out of a cut on the side of his head and Cora was laid on her front facing the opposite way. 

The figure turned towards May with their wand raised but a familiar voice shouted for them to stop. Darnia walked out of the shadows, "the dark lord doesn't want her dead," May looked at her friend in shock, "he just wanted them to die." May gasped when the two people left and then collapsed next to the bodies and cried.

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