Chapter Thirty-Five

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May had been at headquarters ever since she had left Hogwarts, she had told everyone what she had said to Umbridge which earned a scolding from Mrs Wesley and a pat on the back from everyone else. 

During her time she had helped different members of the order with different things and she loved it but it wasn't what she wanted. May wanted to be teaching students how to get better at spells and being good people but she couldn't due to the frog woman being headmistress. May had heard about Fred and George's firework stunt and laughed so hard she fell off her chair which earned scolding from her mother... again. Mrs Weasley loved having her oldest around but May did annoy her sometimes. 

May was sitting reading a book when Tonks came hurtling into the room screaming and shouting random words in random orders, May didn't understand what was going on until Tonks had calmed down and explained that Harry needed their help by the word of Snape and that they need to go to the department of mysteries. And off they went, in puffs of white smoke the order left to help the young students who needed it.

When the order arrived they freed all the Hogwarts students from the grasp of the death eaters that held them and fought. 

May loved it! She was finally helping someone that she loved and helping defeat the dark lord in some way but what was about to happen she did not love.

May heard a piercing shout that came from Harry and tears welled in her eyes when she saw Sirius fall back between the archway and disappear, but May couldn't cry she had to help the students get to safely so that's what she did but she knew that the wizarding world would never be the same.

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