Chapter Thirty-Eight

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May Weasley sat at the front of the grand hall with all the other Hogwarts professors talking and chatting with a smile on her face. 

Dumbledore stood and gained the attention of the students and began to speak, "A very best evening to you all, first let me introduce you to the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn, Professor Slughorn will be in his old post of potions master assisted by Professor May Weasley meanwhile the post of defence against the dark arts will be filled by Professor Snape. As you know at each of your arrivals to Hogwarts you were searched and you have the right to know why, once like you there was a young man who walked within these castle walls, he seemed to all the world a student like any other his name... Tom Riddle. But today of cause he is known by another name and looking out to you tonight this very minute dark forces try to penetrate these walls and their greatest weapon is you, just something to think about now off to bed pip! pip!"

May smiled as the students all left to go to their rooms to sleep. May Weasley was back where she belonged, helping people and she loved it.

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