Chapter Four

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May sat in the carriage next to the headmistress and the other girls wearing a blue dress, blue heels, blue velvet gloves and she had her ginger hair up in a bun that she had redone multiple times to make the headmistress happy. They were on their way to Hogwarts for a cup that hadn't been explained to her and she didn't understand why she was here. "Why am I here again headmistress?" 

The headmistress sighed and turned towards the professor "the girls love you and they requested you be here for them" May nodded and smiled. The headmistress tutted when she saw a loose piece of hair fly out of the bun on May's head, May quickly tucked it behind her ear and smiled at the woman shyly. The headmistress shook her head again but didn't mention anything as they began to land.

The Beauxbatons girls were stood outside of the grand door waiting to be welcomed in but as usual, the headmistress was complaining and sent a caretaker in to ask a question which May rolled her eyes at, "right girls do you remember your routine? remember to smile and have fun" to which she got replies of yes's and yeah's. May heard Dumbledore say "please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxine" the grand doors opened and inbound the girls gracefully performing for the students of Hogwarts with their headmaster and favourite professor behind them. As May passed them Seamus Finnigan's breath was caught in his thought "wow she's beautiful!" he breathed as the boys around him agreed to which Ron turned to him and glared "that's my sister!" all the boy's eyes widened and they turned back to the other girls. All the boys applauded and whistled loudly and then Dumbledore introduced the Durmstrang Institute.

The rain outside pounded down but the people inside took no notice of it. Dumbledore stood at the front as he introduced the meal as the professors sat at the head table after everyone had eaten something was carried into the hall and the headmaster got everyone's attention "internal glory! that's what awaits the student that wins the Triwizard tournament but to do this they will have to survive three tasks. Dangerous tasks! The ministry has created a new rule to explain this please welcome Bartimous Crouch" before anyone else could speak the ceiling began to rumble as it resembled the weather outside. 

Screams of students surrounded May's ears and rain began to fall she saw a flash of light aimed at the ceiling from the side but it only calmed the storm down not stop it so she whipped out her wand and pointed it towards the sky, a flash of light made its way from the wand to the lightning bolts and it stopped. Everyone in the room turned and looked at her and then to Dumbledore who was greeting a new person who had tried and failed to stop the weather.

Whispers filled the air, some about May and some about Mad-Eye Moody. Crouch made his way forwards and explained that no one under the age of 17 was allowed to take part in the tournament. Which got a lot of complaints as expected and May smiled as she heard the twins shouting the loudest. "Silence!" Dumbledore shouted to which everyone obeyed, he took away the silver casing and the goblet of fire appeared and he explained the rules again. 

Everyone began to leave the hall to go to their rooms but May wanted to say hello to a specific professor, "Professor Snape!" May smiled as the man turned around but nearly fell as she bounded into him and wrapped him in a hug "it's lovely to see you after all these years" Snape almost let a ghost of a smile appear on his lips. The man looked at the young woman before him "I see you are a professor just like you wanted to be." 

May nodded and was about to say something but was interrupted by Madam Maxine "May, we are being shown to our room" May frowned sadly at Snape and called to her headmistress "coming" she turned to the man "see you around professor" Snape turned but then turned back and called "It's Severus, your not a student anymore May" May smiled and jogged to catch up with Madam Maxine.

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