Chapter Nine

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Today was the day of the first test and May was sitting in the crowd, she couldn't bear sitting with the other professors or champions so she found a seat with the other girls in front of some Gryffindors. Finnigan was sitting behind May staring at the back of her head daydreaming about the beautiful woman. Three of the champions had gone but Harry was still to come up against his dragon and May was nervous for him.

After a while of sitting around after Harry had flown off with a dragon on his tail, Harry had come back and collected his egg. May was happy that no one had gotten hurt. 

After the ordeal, she sat at Snape's desk as she wrote a letter to her parents. Severus was sat marking work as they sat quietly like they did when she had detention for something she had done in potions. When she had finished the letter she accidentally dropped her feather quill and went to pick it up but something sparkled and caught her eye. It was a tub with a potion that she had made in her first year, "you kept it?" May asked,

"I use it as an example" Snape replied simply, quickly continuing with his work.

A young May Weasley stood at a table with a vial in front of her, she held it out to the professor in front of her who stared at the student with the same black expression he always wore, "it's the potion from the other day I made it again could you possibly mark this one instead of the one I made in class? please" the young girl begged but stopped when Snape grabbed the vial and said "please leave miss Weasley"  Professor Snape was new to Hogwarts and has quickly made his name as the grumpy man that everyone tried to stay away from but the ginger girl loved positions so much that she did not want to stay away. 

May smiled as she came back to reality from the flashback that swirled in her head and turned to walk out the door, "see you around, I have to send this before my mother sends a howler." 

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